Effective: October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation: House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) No person shall violate any provision of this chapter, any rule or order adopted or issued under it, or any term or condition of a permit issued under it.
(B)(1) The attorney general, upon written request of the chief of the division of water resources, shall bring an action for an injunction or other appropriate legal or equitable action against any person who has violated, is violating, or is threatening to violate any provision of this chapter, any rule or order adopted or issued under it, or any term or condition of a permit issued under it.
(2) The attorney general shall bring the action in the court of common pleas of Franklin county or the county where the applicable facility is located. In an action for injunction, any factual findings of the chief presented at a hearing conducted under section 1522.21 of the Revised Code is prima facie evidence of the facts regarding the order that is the subject of the hearing.
(C) A person who violates any provision of this chapter, any rule or order adopted or issued under it, or any term or condition of a permit issued under it is liable to the chief for any costs incurred by the division of water resources in investigating, mitigating, minimizing, removing, or abating the violation and conditions caused by it.
(D) Upon the request of the chief, the attorney general shall bring a civil action against the responsible person to recover those costs in the court of common pleas of Franklin county. Moneys recovered under this division shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the water management fund created in section 1521.22 of the Revised Code.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Title 15 | Conservation of Natural Resources
Chapter 1522 | Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact
Section 1522.01 | Compact Ratified and Enacted.
Section 1522.02 | Governor as State Administrator of Compact.
Section 1522.03 | Implementation and Enforcement of Compact.
Section 1522.04 | Legislative Authorization for Vote on Standard of Review.
Section 1522.05 | Organization and Operation of Water Resources Council.
Section 1522.06 | Incorporation of Water Into Product as Consumptive Use.
Section 1522.08 | Private Property Rights Not Abrogated by Compact.
Section 1522.10 | Definitions for r.c. 1522.10 to 1522.30.
Section 1522.101 | References to Source Watershed or the Lake Erie Source Watershed.
Section 1522.11 | Permit for New or Increased Diversion of Water Out of Lake Erie Watershed.
Section 1522.12 | Program for Issuance of Withdrawal and Consumptive Use Permits.
Section 1522.121 | Submission for Withdrawing Ground Water.
Section 1522.122 | Notations on Hydrologic Map.
Section 1522.123 | Documentation With Hydrogeologic Description.
Section 1522.124 | Steady State Ground Water Model.
Section 1522.125 | Establishment of Geographic Area.
Section 1522.13 | Issuance of Withdrawal and Consumptive Use Permit; Requirements.
Section 1522.131 | Experimental Use Permits.
Section 1522.14 | Facilities Exempt From Permit Requirements.
Section 1522.15 | Transfer of Permits.
Section 1522.16 | Petitions Regarding Baseline Reports.
Section 1522.17 | Submission of Facility Water Conservation Plan.
Section 1522.18 | Investigations; Access to Premises.
Section 1522.19 | Submission of Revised Ground Water Model.
Section 1522.20 | Issuance of Order of Compliance.
Section 1522.21 | Issuance of Proposed Order Indicating Intent to Issue Final Order.
Section 1522.23 | Notice to Public Water System Permittees.
Section 1522.25 | Owners Outside Geographic Area; Complaint.