Effective: January 1, 2016
Latest Legislation: House Bill 64 - 131st General Assembly
(A) The owner or operator of a facility who is applying for a withdrawal and consumptive use permit shall submit to the chief of the division of water resources a facility water conservation plan that incorporates environmentally sound and economically feasible water conservation measures in accordance with Section 4.11.3 of the compact. If the plan reasonably incorporates environmentally sound and economically feasible water conservation measures applicable to the facility, it shall be deemed to be in compliance with Section 4.11.3 of the compact.
(B) The chief shall keep confidential any portions of a facility water conservation plan that constitute a trade secret as defined in section 1333.61 of the Revised Code as follows:
(1) During the period of time after confidentiality is requested under division (C) of this section and until the chief makes a determination to approve or disapprove the request;
(2) On and after the date on which the chief approves a request for confidentiality under division (C) of this section.
Any portions of a facility water conservation plan that are kept confidential as provided in this division are not subject to section 149.43 of the Revised Code.
(C)(1) The owner or operator of a facility may request that any portions of a facility water conservation plan be kept confidential. The request for confidentiality shall be submitted at the same time that an owner or operator submits a facility water conservation plan under division (A) of this section. The owner or operator shall clearly indicate the information that the owner or operator considers a trade secret and shall label it as "trade secret." Failure to make such a request shall constitute a waiver of the right to prevent public disclosure of the information. A request for confidentiality shall be accompanied by documents that support the request. The documents shall describe the measures that the requestor has taken to safeguard the confidentiality of the information and indicate whether or not others are bound by a confidentiality agreement related to the information.
(2) The chief, by order, shall issue a decision regarding the confidentiality request not later than forty-five days after the receipt of the request. Until the decision is issued, the information that is the subject of the request shall be confidential and maintained by the chief in a separate file labeled "confidential." The applicant shall be notified by mail of the decision.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Title 15 | Conservation of Natural Resources
Chapter 1522 | Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact
Section 1522.01 | Compact Ratified and Enacted.
Section 1522.02 | Governor as State Administrator of Compact.
Section 1522.03 | Implementation and Enforcement of Compact.
Section 1522.04 | Legislative Authorization for Vote on Standard of Review.
Section 1522.05 | Organization and Operation of Water Resources Council.
Section 1522.06 | Incorporation of Water Into Product as Consumptive Use.
Section 1522.08 | Private Property Rights Not Abrogated by Compact.
Section 1522.10 | Definitions for r.c. 1522.10 to 1522.30.
Section 1522.101 | References to Source Watershed or the Lake Erie Source Watershed.
Section 1522.11 | Permit for New or Increased Diversion of Water Out of Lake Erie Watershed.
Section 1522.12 | Program for Issuance of Withdrawal and Consumptive Use Permits.
Section 1522.121 | Submission for Withdrawing Ground Water.
Section 1522.122 | Notations on Hydrologic Map.
Section 1522.123 | Documentation With Hydrogeologic Description.
Section 1522.124 | Steady State Ground Water Model.
Section 1522.125 | Establishment of Geographic Area.
Section 1522.13 | Issuance of Withdrawal and Consumptive Use Permit; Requirements.
Section 1522.131 | Experimental Use Permits.
Section 1522.14 | Facilities Exempt From Permit Requirements.
Section 1522.15 | Transfer of Permits.
Section 1522.16 | Petitions Regarding Baseline Reports.
Section 1522.17 | Submission of Facility Water Conservation Plan.
Section 1522.18 | Investigations; Access to Premises.
Section 1522.19 | Submission of Revised Ground Water Model.
Section 1522.20 | Issuance of Order of Compliance.
Section 1522.21 | Issuance of Proposed Order Indicating Intent to Issue Final Order.
Section 1522.23 | Notice to Public Water System Permittees.
Section 1522.25 | Owners Outside Geographic Area; Complaint.