Effective: October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation: House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
The following are exempt from the requirement to obtain a withdrawal and consumptive use permit:
(A) A facility or proposed facility that has a withdrawal and consumptive use capacity or proposed capacity below the threshold amounts established in divisions (A)(1) to (3) of section 1522.12 of the Revised Code;
(B) A facility that has a new or increased withdrawal capacity above an applicable threshold amount established in section 1522.12 of the Revised Code if either of the following apply:
(1) Except as provided in division (B)(2) of this section, the new or increased maximum daily withdrawal of the facility is less than the applicable threshold amount when averaged over any ninety-day period.
(2) The new or increased maximum daily withdrawal of the facility is less than the applicable threshold amount when averaged over any forty-five-day period with regard to a facility with withdrawals from a river or stream that is a high quality water when the withdrawals are made at a point where the area of the watershed of the river or stream is less than one hundred square miles but greater than fifty square miles.
Division (B) of this section does not apply to withdrawals of a facility from a river or stream that is a high quality water when the withdrawals are made at a point where the area of the watershed of the river or stream is fifty square miles or less.
(C) A baseline facility that has not increased its withdrawal and consumptive use capacity beyond the capacity listed in the baseline report and beyond the threshold amounts established in section 1522.12 of the Revised Code;
(D) An electric generating facility that increases its consumptive use due to a requirement imposed by a federal regulation that is unrelated to an increase in production at the facility;
(E) A facility making a withdrawal and consumptive use from an impoundment of water collected primarily from diffused surface water sources, including a farm pond, golf course pond, nursery pond, stormwater retention pond, or other private pond; or a facility making a withdrawal and consumptive use from any stream or river to augment the water supply of an impoundment of water if the impoundment is used, at least in part, for firefighting purposes. The exemption established by this division does not apply to a facility making a withdrawal and consumptive use for industrial purposes or for public water supply purposes.
(F) A facility that must temporarily establish a new or increased withdrawal and consumptive use capacity as a result of an emergency for the duration of that emergency that, without the new or increased withdrawal and consumptive use capacity, will result in imminent harm to human health or property;
(G) A facility that is establishing a new or is increasing its withdrawal and consumptive use capacity in compliance with an experimental use permit issued under section 1522.131 of the Revised Code;
(H) A facility that must temporarily establish a new or increased withdrawal and consumptive use capacity in order to respond to a humanitarian crisis for the duration of that crisis if the new or increased capacity is necessary to assist in the management of that crisis;
(I) A facility that is exempt from the requirement to obtain a permit under division (D) or (E) of section 1521.23 of the Revised Code;
(J) A facility that is subject to regulation under Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code;
(K) A facility that purchases all of its water from a public water system;
(L) A facility that is withdrawing or consumptively using water from an off-stream impoundment that has been substantially filled with a stream withdrawal by a baseline facility or with a stream withdrawal that is subject to a withdrawal and consumptive use permit;
(M) A facility that is increasing its withdrawal or consumptive use capacity directly related to supplying a major electric generating facility that is subject to regulation under Chapter 4906. of the Revised Code.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Title 15 | Conservation of Natural Resources
Chapter 1522 | Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact
Section 1522.01 | Compact Ratified and Enacted.
Section 1522.02 | Governor as State Administrator of Compact.
Section 1522.03 | Implementation and Enforcement of Compact.
Section 1522.04 | Legislative Authorization for Vote on Standard of Review.
Section 1522.05 | Organization and Operation of Water Resources Council.
Section 1522.06 | Incorporation of Water Into Product as Consumptive Use.
Section 1522.08 | Private Property Rights Not Abrogated by Compact.
Section 1522.10 | Definitions for r.c. 1522.10 to 1522.30.
Section 1522.101 | References to Source Watershed or the Lake Erie Source Watershed.
Section 1522.11 | Permit for New or Increased Diversion of Water Out of Lake Erie Watershed.
Section 1522.12 | Program for Issuance of Withdrawal and Consumptive Use Permits.
Section 1522.121 | Submission for Withdrawing Ground Water.
Section 1522.122 | Notations on Hydrologic Map.
Section 1522.123 | Documentation With Hydrogeologic Description.
Section 1522.124 | Steady State Ground Water Model.
Section 1522.125 | Establishment of Geographic Area.
Section 1522.13 | Issuance of Withdrawal and Consumptive Use Permit; Requirements.
Section 1522.131 | Experimental Use Permits.
Section 1522.14 | Facilities Exempt From Permit Requirements.
Section 1522.15 | Transfer of Permits.
Section 1522.16 | Petitions Regarding Baseline Reports.
Section 1522.17 | Submission of Facility Water Conservation Plan.
Section 1522.18 | Investigations; Access to Premises.
Section 1522.19 | Submission of Revised Ground Water Model.
Section 1522.20 | Issuance of Order of Compliance.
Section 1522.21 | Issuance of Proposed Order Indicating Intent to Issue Final Order.
Section 1522.23 | Notice to Public Water System Permittees.
Section 1522.25 | Owners Outside Geographic Area; Complaint.