North Carolina General Statutes
Article 8 - Assaults.
§ 14-34.5 - Assault with a firearm on a law enforcement, probation, or parole officer, or on a member of the North Carolina National Guard, or on a person employed at a State or local detention facility.

14-34.5. Assault with a firearm on a law enforcement, probation, or parole officer, or on a member of the North Carolina National Guard, or on a person employed at a State or local detention facility.
(a) Any person who commits an assault with a firearm upon a law enforcement officer, probation officer, or parole officer while the officer is in the performance of his or her duties is guilty of a Class D felony.
(a1) Any person who commits an assault with a firearm upon a member of the North Carolina National Guard while the member is in the performance of his or her duties is guilty of a Class E felony.
(b) Anyone who commits an assault with a firearm upon a person who is employed at a detention facility operated under the jurisdiction of the State or a local government while the employee is in the performance of the employee's duties is guilty of a Class D felony. (1995, c. 507, s. 19.5(j); 1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 742, s. 10; 1997-443, s. 19.25(gg); 2015-74, s. 2; 2019-116, s. 1; 2019-228, s. 1(a).)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 14 - Criminal Law

Article 8 - Assaults.

§ 14-28 - Malicious castration.

§ 14-28.1 - Female genital mutilation of a child.

§ 14-29 - Castration or other maiming without malice aforethought.

§ 14-30 - Malicious maiming.

§ 14-30.1 - Malicious throwing of corrosive acid or alkali.

§ 14-31 - Maliciously assaulting in a secret manner.

§ 14-32 - Felonious assault with deadly weapon with intent to kill or inflicting serious injury; punishments.

§ 14-32.1 - Assaults on individuals with a disability; punishments.

§ 14-32.2 - Patient abuse and neglect; punishments; definitions.

§ 14-32.3 - Domestic abuse, neglect, and exploitation of disabled or elder adults.

§ 14-32.4 - Assault inflicting serious bodily injury; strangulation; penalties.

§ 14-33 - Misdemeanor assaults, batteries, and affrays, simple and aggravated; punishments.

§ 14-33.1 - Evidence of former threats upon plea of self-defense.

§ 14-33.2 - Habitual misdemeanor assault.

§ 14-34 - Assaulting by pointing gun.

§ 14-34.1 - Discharging certain barreled weapons or a firearm into occupied property.

§ 14-34.2 - Assault with a firearm or other deadly weapon upon governmental officers or employees, company police officers, or campus police officers.

§ 14-34.3 - Manufacture, sale, purchase, or possession of teflon-coated types of bullets prohibited.

§ 14-34.4 - Adulterated or misbranded food, drugs, or cosmetics; intent to cause serious injury or death; intent to extort.

§ 14-34.5 - Assault with a firearm on a law enforcement, probation, or parole officer, or on a member of the North Carolina National Guard, or on a person employed at a State or local detention facility.

§ 14-34.6 - Assault or affray on a firefighter, an emergency medical technician, medical responder, and hospital personnel.

§ 14-34.7 - Certain assaults on a law enforcement, probation, or parole officer, or on a member of the North Carolina National Guard, or on a person employed at a State or local detention facility; penalty.

§ 14-34.8 - Criminal use of laser device.

§ 14-34.9 - Discharging a firearm from within an enclosure.

§ 14-34.10 - Discharge firearm within enclosure to incite fear.