North Carolina General Statutes
Article 8 - Assaults.
§ 14-33.2 - Habitual misdemeanor assault.

14-33.2. Habitual misdemeanor assault.
A person commits the offense of habitual misdemeanor assault if that person violates any of the provisions of G.S. 14-33 and causes physical injury, or G.S. 14-34, and has two or more prior convictions for either misdemeanor or felony assault, with the earlier of the two prior convictions occurring no more than 15 years prior to the date of the current violation. A conviction under this section shall not be used as a prior conviction for any other habitual offense statute. A person convicted of violating this section is guilty of a Class H felony. (1995, c. 507, s. 19.5(c); 2004-186, s. 10.1.)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 14 - Criminal Law

Article 8 - Assaults.

§ 14-28 - Malicious castration.

§ 14-28.1 - Female genital mutilation of a child.

§ 14-29 - Castration or other maiming without malice aforethought.

§ 14-30 - Malicious maiming.

§ 14-30.1 - Malicious throwing of corrosive acid or alkali.

§ 14-31 - Maliciously assaulting in a secret manner.

§ 14-32 - Felonious assault with deadly weapon with intent to kill or inflicting serious injury; punishments.

§ 14-32.1 - Assaults on individuals with a disability; punishments.

§ 14-32.2 - Patient abuse and neglect; punishments; definitions.

§ 14-32.3 - Domestic abuse, neglect, and exploitation of disabled or elder adults.

§ 14-32.4 - Assault inflicting serious bodily injury; strangulation; penalties.

§ 14-33 - Misdemeanor assaults, batteries, and affrays, simple and aggravated; punishments.

§ 14-33.1 - Evidence of former threats upon plea of self-defense.

§ 14-33.2 - Habitual misdemeanor assault.

§ 14-34 - Assaulting by pointing gun.

§ 14-34.1 - Discharging certain barreled weapons or a firearm into occupied property.

§ 14-34.2 - Assault with a firearm or other deadly weapon upon governmental officers or employees, company police officers, or campus police officers.

§ 14-34.3 - Manufacture, sale, purchase, or possession of teflon-coated types of bullets prohibited.

§ 14-34.4 - Adulterated or misbranded food, drugs, or cosmetics; intent to cause serious injury or death; intent to extort.

§ 14-34.5 - Assault with a firearm on a law enforcement, probation, or parole officer, or on a member of the North Carolina National Guard, or on a person employed at a State or local detention facility.

§ 14-34.6 - Assault or affray on a firefighter, an emergency medical technician, medical responder, and hospital personnel.

§ 14-34.7 - Certain assaults on a law enforcement, probation, or parole officer, or on a member of the North Carolina National Guard, or on a person employed at a State or local detention facility; penalty.

§ 14-34.8 - Criminal use of laser device.

§ 14-34.9 - Discharging a firearm from within an enclosure.

§ 14-34.10 - Discharge firearm within enclosure to incite fear.