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Title 1 - Legislative Intent; Transitory Provisions
292 - Legislative Intent. - § 292. Legislative intent. It is the intent of the...
293 - Transfer of Assets and Liabilities. - § 293. Transfer of assets and liabilities. a. As used...
294 - Transfer of Retirement Membership, Contributions, Reserves and Other Credits of Police Officers and Firefighters, and Certain Other Persons. - § 294. Transfer of retirement membership, contributions, reserves and other...
295 - Payment of Retirement Allowances and Transfer of Reserves. - § 295. Payment of retirement allowances and transfer of reserves....
296 - Continuation of Certain Tables and Rates. - § 296. Continuation of certain tables and rates. All tables,...
297 - Transfer of Records and Documents. - § 297. Transfer of records and documents. Records and documents...
298 - Temporary Advances. - § 298. Temporary advances. At any time after this article...
Title 2
302 - Definitions. - (1) Served as a supervisor of a town when such...
Title 3 - Establishment, Management, Supervision and Financing
310 - Retirement System Established; a Corporation. - § 310. Retirement system established; a corporation. The policemen's and...
311 - Duties of Comptroller; the Actuary. - § 311. Duties of comptroller; the actuary. a. The comptroller...
312 - Statement of Services. - § 312. Statement of services. a. It shall be the...
313 - Management of Funds. - (a) Directly or indirectly, for himself or herself or as...
314 - Legal Adviser. - § 314. Legal adviser. The attorney general of the state...
315 - State Supervision. - § 315. State supervision. The police and fire retirement system...
316 - Annual Appropriation by State. - § 316. Annual appropriation by state. a. Upon the basis...
316-A - Amortization of Amounts Outstanding. - § 316-a. Amortization of amounts outstanding. a. On or before...
316-B - Notice of Change. - (2) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, for...
316-C - Amortization of a Portion of the State's Contribution Bills for Fiscal Year Ending March Thirty-First, Two Thousand Five. - (1) the state's entire bill for the fiscal year ending...
316-D - Amortization of a Portion of the State's Contribution Bills for Fiscal Year Ending March Thirty-First, Two Thousand Six. - (1) the entire bill for the fiscal year ending on...
317 - Annual Appropriation by Participating Employers. - § 317. Annual appropriation by participating employers. a. On or...
317-A - Amortization of Amounts Outstanding. - (1) On or before November fifteenth, nineteen hundred eighty-nine, in...
317-B - Amortization of a Portion of the Bills for Participating Employers for the Two Thousand Four--Two Thousand Five Fiscal Year. - (1) the entire February first, two thousand six bill, calculated...
317-C - Amortization of a Portion of the Bills for Participating Employers for the Two Thousand Five--Two Thousand Six Fiscal Year. - (1) the entire February first, two thousand six bill, calculated...
317-D - Amortization of a Portion of the Bills for Participating Employers for the Two Thousand Six--Two Thousand Seven Fiscal Year. - (1) the entire February first, two thousand seven bill, calculated...
318 - Guaranty. - § 318. Guaranty. a. The latest employers of the different...
319 - Filing of Documents With the Retirement System. - § 319. Filing of documents with the retirement system. Whenever...
319-A - Employer Contributions for the Two Thousand Ten - Two Thousand Eleven Fiscal Year and Subsequent Fiscal Years. - (1) "Amortizing employer" shall mean an employer that elects to...
Title 4 - Funds of the System; Members' Contributions and Employers' Contributions
320 - The Funds of the Police and Fire Retirement System. - (a) the police and fire annuity savings fund, hereinafter referred...
321 - Members' Contributions and Their Use; Annuity Savings Fund. - (a) His retirement contributions prior to October first, nineteen hundred...
322 - Members' Contributions and Their Use; Annuity Reserve Fund. - § 322. Members' contributions and their use; annuity reserve fund....
323 - Employers' Contributions and Their Use; Pension Accumulation Fund. - (a) In the case of employers who were participating in...
323-A - Statement of Intent. - § 323-a. Statement of intent. a. This legislation is intended...
324 - Employers' Contributions and Their Use; Pension Reserve Fund. - § 324. Employers' contributions and their use; pension reserve fund....
Title 5 - Participation in System by Political Subdivisions and Other Organizations
330 - Participation by Municipalities. - § 330. Participation by municipalities. a. Every municipality (exclusive of...
331 - Participation by Public or Quasi-Public Organizations. - § 331. Participation by public or quasi-public organizations. a. Any...
333 - Election of Certain Optional Retirement Benefits by Participating Employers. - § 333. Election of certain optional retirement benefits by participating...
334 - Reporting of Service and Salary Information. - § 334. Reporting of service and salary information. The comptroller...
Title 6 - Right to Membership, Service Credit and Transfers Between Retirement Systems
340 - Membership of the Police and Fire Retirement System. - § 340. Membership of the police and fire retirement system....
341 - Allowances for Service. - (a) For which he made contributions, regardless of whether such...
342 - Payments for Credit for Service for the Federal Government or Certain Public Authorities or Corporations. - § 342. Payments for credit for service for the federal...
343 - Transfer of Members Between Systems. - § 343. Transfer of members between systems. a. Notwithstanding any...
Title 7 - Loans, Refunds and Withdrawals
350 - Loans. - (a) While absent on such military duty and prior to...
351 - Refunds and Withdrawals. - § 351. Refunds and withdrawals. a. A member under age...
Title 8 - Death Benefits and Disability Retirement
360 - Ordinary Death Benefit. - (b) The ordinary death benefit shall be payable from the...
360-A - Guaranteed Ordinary Death Benefit Payable Upon Death of State Employees. - § 360-a. Guaranteed ordinary death benefit payable upon death of...
360-B - Guaranteed Ordinary Death Benefit for Participating Employers. - (b) The guaranteed ordinary death benefit provided under this section...
360-C - Death Benefit for Vested Members Who Die Prior to Retirement. - § 360-c. Death benefit for vested members who die prior...
361 - Accidental Death Benefit. - § 361. Accidental death benefit. a. An accidental death benefit...
361-A - Special Accidental Death Benefit. - * § 361-a. Special accidental death benefit. a. Notwithstanding any...
361-A*2 - Payment of Interest on Death Benefits and Accumulated Member Contributions. - * § 361-a. Payment of interest on death benefits and...
361-B - Covid-19 Benefit. - (i) retired from his or her retirement system on or...
362 - Ordinary Disability Retirement. - (a) An annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of...
363 - Accidental Disability Retirement. - (b) The notice herein required need not be given: 1....
363-A - Firefighters and Police Officers; Certain Disabilities. - * § 363-a. Firefighters and police officers; certain disabilities. 1....
363-B - State Police Disability Retirement Allowance. - (b) Physically or mentally incapacitated for performance of duty as...
363-BB - State Police Accidental Disability Retirement Allowance. - (a) The time when and the place where such accident...
363-C - Retirement for Disability Incurred in Performance of Duty. - (b) The notice herein required need not be given: 1....
363-D - Certain Impairments of Health; Presumption. - * § 363-d. Certain impairments of health; presumption. Notwithstanding any...
363-DD - Impairments of Health; Presumption. - § 363-dd. Impairments of health; presumption. Notwithstanding any provision of...
363-E - Disability Retirement Allowance for Members of the Division of Law Enforcement in the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Regional State - (b) Physically or mentally incapacitated for performance of duty as...
363-F - Firefighters; Presumption in Certain Diseases. - * § 363-f. Firefighters; presumption in certain diseases. Notwithstanding any...
363-FF - Firefighter Certain Impairments of Health; Presumption. - § 363-ff. Firefighter certain impairments of health; presumption. Notwithstanding any...
364 - Payment of Both Pensions for Accident and Other Benefits Prohibited. - § 364. Payment of both pensions for accident and other...
Title 9 - General Provisions Relating to Retirement; Retirement Plans Applicable to Members Generally
370 - Superannuation Retirement. - (a) Such member is less than seventy-eight years of age,...
370-A - Pensions-for-Increased-Take-Home-Pay. - § 370-a. Pensions-for-increased-take-home-pay. a. Beginning with a payroll period commencing...
371 - Optional Retirement at Age Fifty-Five; Alternative Plan. - § 371. Optional retirement at age fifty-five; alternative plan. a....
371-A - Optional Retirement at Age Fifty-Five; New Plan. - § 371-a. Optional retirement at age fifty-five; new plan. a....
372 - Optional Retirement at Age Fifty-Five; Closed Plan. - § 372. Optional retirement at age fifty-five; closed plan. a....
373 - Discontinued Service After Twenty Years. - (a) He shall have completed twenty years of total service,...
374 - Procedure for Retirement. - § 374. Procedure for retirement. a. Every application for a...
374-A - Applications and Elections; Issues Due to Death. - § 374-a. Applications and elections; issues due to death. Notwithstanding...
375 - Allowance on Superannuation Retirement. - (a) A pension of one-one hundred twentieth of final average...
375-A - Non-Contributory Retirement Plan for State Employees. - § 375-a. Non-contributory retirement plan for state employees. a. Notwithstanding...
375-B - Non-Contributory Retirement Plan for Members of Participating Employers. - § 375-b. Non-contributory retirement plan for members of participating employers....
375-C - Non-Contributory Retirement Plan Benefits. - § 375-c. Non-contributory retirement plan benefits. a. In addition to...
375-D - Guaranteed Retirement Benefits for State Employees. - § 375-d. Guaranteed retirement benefits for state employees. a. 1....
375-E - Guaranteed Retirement Benefits for Employees of Participating Employers. - § 375-e. Guaranteed retirement benefits for employees of participating employers....
375-F - Career Retirement Plan for State Employees. - (2) That portion of the pension provided pursuant to the...
375-G - Career Retirement Plan for Employees of Participating Employers. - (2) That portion of the pension provided pursuant to this...
375-H - Career Retirement Plan for State Employees; New Plan. - (1) Such member renders five or more years of service...
375-I - Improved Career Retirement Plan for Employees of Participating Employers. - § 375-i. Improved career retirement plan for employees of participating...
375-J - Improved Career Retirement Plan for Employees of Participating Employers. - § 375-j. Improved career retirement plan for employees of participating...
376 - Vested Retirement Allowance. - § 376. Vested retirement allowance. a. A member who discontinues...
378 - Supplemental Retirement Allowance. - § 378. Supplemental retirement allowance. a. A supplemental retirement allowance...
378-A - Cost-of-Living Adjustment. - § 378-a. Cost-of-living adjustment. a. A cost-of-living adjustment shall be...
379 - Cafeteria Plans. - § 379. Cafeteria plans. To the extent permitted by section...
Title 10 - Special Retirement Plans Applicable to Specified Classes of Members
381 - Retirement of Members in the Division of State Police; Closed Plan. - (a) Since he last became a member, and (b) Prior...
381-A - Retirement of Members or Officers of the State Police; New Plan. - § 381-a. Retirement of members or officers of the state...
381-B - Retirement of Members or Officers of the State Police; Twenty Year Retirement Plan. - (1) Upon completion of twenty years of such service and...
382 - Optional Retirement of Members in the Division of State Police After Twenty Years of Service. - § 382. Optional retirement of members in the division of...
383 - Retirement of Members in Regional State Park Police Service. - (a) Since he last became a member, and (b) Prior...
383-A - Retirement of Members of the Regional State Park Police; New Plan. - (a) Be payable only if such member has attained age...
383-B - Retirement of Members of the Division of Law Enforcement in the Department of Environmental Conservation. - (i) Be payable only if such member has attained age...
383-B*2 - Retirement of Members of the Capital Police Force in the Office of General Services. - (i) Be payable only if such member has attained age...
383-C - Optional Retirement of Members Holding the Position of Forest Ranger in the Service of the Department of Environmental Conservation. - (i) be payable only if such member has attained age...
383-D - Alternative Retirement Benefits for University Police Officers Appointed by the State University. - (i) Be payable only if such member has attained age...
384 - Optional Retirement of Certain Police Officers and Firefighters. - (a) An annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of...
384-A - Additional Pension Benefits for Certain Police Officers After Twenty-Five Years Service. - § 384-a. Additional pension benefits for certain police officers after...
384-B - Retirement of Members of the Police Department of the City of Glen Cove, After Twenty Years of Service. - (a) Since he last became a member, and (b) Prior...
384-C - Additional Pension Benefits for Certain Police Officers After Twenty-Five Years of Service. - § 384-c. Additional pension benefits for certain police officers after...
384-D - Optional Twenty Year Retirement Plan for Certain Firefighters and Police Officers Whose Employer Elects to Provide Same. - (1) Upon completion of twenty years of such service and...
384-E - Additional Pension Benefit for Members of Optional Twenty Year Retirement Plan. - § 384-e. Additional pension benefit for members of optional twenty...
385 - Retirement of Members in the Nassau County Police Department. - (a) Since he last became a member, and (b) Prior...
385-A - Retirement of Members of the Nassau County Police Force; New Plan. - (1) Upon completion of twenty years of such service and...
386 - Retirement of Members in the Westchester County Department of Public Safety Services; Closed Plan. - (a) Since he last became a member, and (b) Prior...
387 - Retirement of Members in the Suffolk County Police Force. - (a) Since he last became a member, and (b) Prior...
387-A - Retirement of Members of the Suffolk County Police Force; New Plan. - (1) Upon completion of twenty years of such service and...
388 - Retirement of Members in the City of Yonkers Police Force and Fire Department. - (1) Upon completion of twenty-five years of such service and...
389 - Twenty Year Retirement Plan for Lirr Police Officers. - * § 389. Twenty year retirement plan for LIRR police...
Title 11 - Options
390 - Options. - (a) A new beneficiary under a "Cash Refund-Contributions" option (Option...
Title 12 - Provisions Relating to Retired Members
400 - Payment of Retirement Allowances. - § 400. Payment of retirement allowances. Retirement allowances shall be...
401 - Reduction or Suspension of Benefits. - (a) An annuity which is the actuarial equivalent of all...
402 - Recovery of Disability Beneficiaries. - § 402. Recovery of disability beneficiaries. a. Once each year...
Title 13 - Miscellaneous Provisions; Saving and Construction Clauses
409 - Abandonment of Unclaimed Contributions; Payment to the Pension Accumulation Fund. - § 409. Abandonment of unclaimed contributions; payment to the pension...
409-A - Abandonment of Amounts Payable to Beneficiaries; Payment to the Pension Accumulation Fund. - § 409-a. Abandonment of amounts payable to beneficiaries; payment to...
410 - Exemption From Taxes and Legal Process. - § 410. Exemption from taxes and legal process. The right...
410-A - Deduction of Group Plan Insurance or Medicare Premiums From Benefits. - § 410-a. Deduction of group plan insurance or medicare premiums...
410-B - Deduction of Dues and Insurance Premiums From Benefits of Certain Retired Members of the Division of State Police. - § 410-b. Deduction of dues and insurance premiums from benefits...
410-C - Deduction of Dues and Insurance Premiums From Benefits of Certain Retired Members Enrolled in the New York State and Local Police and Fire Retirement - § 410-c. Deduction of dues and insurance premiums from benefits...
411 - Protection Against Fraud. - § 411. Protection against fraud. a. Any person who shall:...
412 - Bonds Required in Certain Cases. - § 412. Bonds required in certain cases. a. In any...
413 - Limitation of Other Statutes. - § 413. Limitation of other statutes. a. No other provision...
414 - Construction. - § 414. Construction. a. An act of the legislature of...
415 - Application of Provisions of Article Two of the Retirement and Social Security Law. - § 415. Application of provisions of article two of the...
416 - Separability Clause. - § 416. Separability clause. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section...
417 - Preservation of Rights of Certain Members. - § 417. Preservation of rights of certain members. Notwithstanding the...
418 - Additional Benefit Authorized With Respect to the City of Yonkers. - § 418. Additional benefit authorized with respect to the city...