ยง 310. Retirement system established; a corporation. The policemen's
and firemen's retirement system is hereby established. Such system shall
have the powers and privileges of a corporation and shall be known as
the "New York State and local Police and Fire Retirement System." All of
the business of such retirement system shall be transacted, all of its
funds invested and payments made, and all of its cash, securities and
other properties shall be held in such name, except as provided in
article nine of this chapter.
Reference in this chapter or in any other law to the New York state
policemen's and firemen's retirement system shall be deemed to mean and
refer to the New York state and local police and fire retirement system.
Structure New York Laws
RSS - Retirement and Social Security
Article 8 - New York State and Local Police and Fire Retirement System
Title 3 - Establishment, Management, Supervision and Financing
310 - Retirement System Established; a Corporation.
311 - Duties of Comptroller; the Actuary.
316 - Annual Appropriation by State.
316-A - Amortization of Amounts Outstanding.
317 - Annual Appropriation by Participating Employers.
317-A - Amortization of Amounts Outstanding.