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310 - Retirement System Established; a Corporation. - § 310. Retirement system established; a corporation. The policemen's and...
311 - Duties of Comptroller; the Actuary. - § 311. Duties of comptroller; the actuary. a. The comptroller...
312 - Statement of Services. - § 312. Statement of services. a. It shall be the...
313 - Management of Funds. - (a) Directly or indirectly, for himself or herself or as...
314 - Legal Adviser. - § 314. Legal adviser. The attorney general of the state...
315 - State Supervision. - § 315. State supervision. The police and fire retirement system...
316 - Annual Appropriation by State. - § 316. Annual appropriation by state. a. Upon the basis...
316-A - Amortization of Amounts Outstanding. - § 316-a. Amortization of amounts outstanding. a. On or before...
316-B - Notice of Change. - (2) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, for...
316-C - Amortization of a Portion of the State's Contribution Bills for Fiscal Year Ending March Thirty-First, Two Thousand Five. - (1) the state's entire bill for the fiscal year ending...
316-D - Amortization of a Portion of the State's Contribution Bills for Fiscal Year Ending March Thirty-First, Two Thousand Six. - (1) the entire bill for the fiscal year ending on...
317 - Annual Appropriation by Participating Employers. - § 317. Annual appropriation by participating employers. a. On or...
317-A - Amortization of Amounts Outstanding. - (1) On or before November fifteenth, nineteen hundred eighty-nine, in...
317-B - Amortization of a Portion of the Bills for Participating Employers for the Two Thousand Four--Two Thousand Five Fiscal Year. - (1) the entire February first, two thousand six bill, calculated...
317-C - Amortization of a Portion of the Bills for Participating Employers for the Two Thousand Five--Two Thousand Six Fiscal Year. - (1) the entire February first, two thousand six bill, calculated...
317-D - Amortization of a Portion of the Bills for Participating Employers for the Two Thousand Six--Two Thousand Seven Fiscal Year. - (1) the entire February first, two thousand seven bill, calculated...
318 - Guaranty. - § 318. Guaranty. a. The latest employers of the different...
319 - Filing of Documents With the Retirement System. - § 319. Filing of documents with the retirement system. Whenever...
319-A - Employer Contributions for the Two Thousand Ten - Two Thousand Eleven Fiscal Year and Subsequent Fiscal Years. - (1) "Amortizing employer" shall mean an employer that elects to...