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Title 1 - General Provisions
13-0101 - Short Title. - Article 13 together with article 11 of the Environmental Conservation...
13-0103 - Marine and Coastal District Described. - The marine and coastal district shall include the waters of...
13-0105 - Marine Fisheries Conservation and Management. - (b) The marine fisheries conservation and management policy shall be...
Title 3 - Marine Fisheries
13-0301 - Lease of State-Owned Underwater Lands for Shellfish Cultivation. - cultivation. 1. Leases. a. Except as provided in paragraph b...
13-0302 - Lands Underwater of Gardiner's and Peconic Bays. - 1. Underwater lands ceded to county of Suffolk. All the...
13-0303 - Tax on State-Owned Underwater Lands Held Under Lease or Franchise for Shellfish Cultivation. - franchise for shellfish cultivation. 1. Tax. There shall be an...
13-0305 - Marking Lands Prohibited; Injury to Monuments. - 1. No person other than the lessee or the department...
13-0307 - Sanitary Surveys. - 1. The department periodically shall examine all shellfish lands within...
13-0309 - Taking, Handling and Importation of Shellfish; General Provisions. - (1) In Long Island Sound generally easterly of a line...
13-0310 - Northern or Lined Seahorses; Prohibited Acts. - 1. No person shall take any northern or lined seahorse...
13-0311 - Digger's Permit to Take Shellfish for Commercial Purposes; When Not Required. - when not required. 1. Subject to the provisions of this...
13-0313 - Shellfish Growers; Definition; Bed Permit. - 1. Any person resident in this state one year or...
13-0315 - Shellfish Shipper's and Processor's Permit. - 1. Prior to the processing, transportation or shipment of shellfish,...
13-0316 - Marine Hatcheries; Off-Bottom and On-Bottom Culture; Permits. - 1. Marine hatcheries. The department, in its discretion, may issue...
13-0317 - Shipping Tags. - All persons transporting, importing, exporting or otherwise distributing shellfish shall...
13-0319 - Shellfish Regulations. - The department may adopt regulations with respect to the harvesting,...
13-0321 - Taking and Importation of Shellfish for Transplanting and Other Purposes. - other purposes. 1. Shellfish may be taken from uncertified shellfish...
13-0323 - Oysters; Prohibited Acts. - 1. No person shall sell or offer for sale, any...
13-0325 - Clams; Prohibited Acts. - 1. Except for transplanting as provided in section 13-0321, no...
13-0327 - Scallops. - The department may, until December thirty-first, two thousand twenty-four, adopt...
13-0328 - Commercial Licenses; Limited Entry. - (i) for two thousand eighteen, the number of licenses shall...
13-0329 - Lobsters; Permit to Take; Prohibited Acts. - (b) If the department administers a lobster trap tag program,...
13-0330 - Whelks or Conchs; License to Take. - 1. A person domiciled within the state may take whelks...
13-0331 - Crabs; Permit to Take; Prohibited Acts. - 1. No person shall take crabs, including horseshoe crabs (Limulus...
13-0333 - Menhaden; Prohibited Acts. - Menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) from which oil or meal is made,...
13-0334 - Marine and Coastal District Food Fish and Crustacea Dealers and Shippers License. - and shippers license. 1. No person shall purchase marine food...
13-0335 - Food Fish; License; Prohibited Acts. - 1. A person who is domiciled in the state may...
13-0336 - Marine and Coastal District Party and Charter Boat License. - 1. No owner or operator of a party boat or...
13-0337 - Return of Fish, Crustacea and Other Animals to the Water. - 1. If any fish or crustacea are unintentionally taken contrary...
13-0338 - Sharks; Department Authority; Finning Prohibited. - 1. For purposes of this section: a. "Shark" means any...
13-0339 - Marine Fish; Size Limits of Marine Species; Sale of Marine Species. - species. 1. a. The taking of fish with nets in...
13-0339-A - Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua), Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser Oxyrhynchus), Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser Brevirostrum), American Eel (Anguilla Rostrata), Atlantic Herring (Clupea Horengus), American Shad (Alosa Sapidissima), Alewife (Alosa P... - oxyrhynchus), shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum), American eel (Anguilla rostrata), Atlantic...
13-0340 - Bluefish (Pomatomus Saltatrix). - The department may, until December thirty-first, two thousand twenty-five, fix...
13-0340-A - Weakfish (Cynoscion Regalis). - The department may, until December thirty-first, two thousand twenty-five, fix...
13-0340-B - Fluke - Summer Flounder (Paralichthys Dentatus). - The department may, until December thirty-first, two thousand twenty-three, fix...
13-0340-C - Winter Flounder (Pleuorenectes Americanus). - The department may, until December thirty-first, two thousand twenty-three, fix...
13-0340-D - Blackfish or Tautog (Tautoga Onitis). - 1. The department may, until December thirty-first, two thousand twenty-five,...
13-0340-E - Scup (Stenotomus Chrysops). - The department may, until December thirty-first, two thousand twenty-three, fix...
13-0340-F - Black Sea Bass (Centropristis Striata). - The department may, until December thirty-first, two thousand twenty-three, fix...
13-0340-G - Monkfish (Lophius Americanus, Lophius Reticulatus and Lophius Gastrophysus). - Lophius gastrophysus). The department may, until December thirty-first, two thousand...
13-0341 - Trawls; Use Prohibited in Certain Waters. - For the purposes of this chapter, a trawl shall be...
13-0342 - Marine Fisheries Data. - 1. a. The department is authorized to adopt regulations which...
13-0343 - Nets Other Than Trawls; Restrictions on Use of Nets and Trawls. - (1) haul seines shall not be used measuring over one...
13-0343-A - Fish Pots and Traps; Restrictions. - 1. No person shall utilize commercial fishing gear commonly known...
13-0344 - Fish, Shellfish and Crustacea; Dumping. - It shall be unlawful for any person who has been...
13-0345 - Protection of Waters; Cesspools and Drains. - 1. Sludge, acid or refuse from oil works, sugar houses...
13-0347 - Management of Striped Bass in Marine Waters. - Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary: 1. Striped...
13-0349 - Taking of Fish for Commercial Purposes. - 1. No person shall take food fish, shellfish, or crustacea...
13-0350 - Marine Resources Advisory Council. - (b) Persons designated or appointed to the advisory council shall...
13-0355 - Recreational Marine Fishing Registration. - (i) at all times have such registration on the holder's...
13-0360 - Special Management Areas. - (a) "artificial reef" shall mean a hard structure, deliberately placed...
13-0371 - Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Compact. - 1. The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Compact as first enacted...
Title 5 - The Marine and Coastal District of New York Conservation, Education, and Research Grants Program
13-0501 - Marine and Coastal District of New York Conservation, Education, and Research Grants Program. - (a) educational programs which raise public awareness and appreciation of...
13-0503 - Marine and Coastal District of New York Conservation, Education, and Research Board. - (b) make by-laws for the management of its affairs and...
Title 7 - Seagrass Protection Act
13-0701 - Short Title. - This act shall be known and may be cited as...
13-0703 - Definitions. - 1. "Coastal community" shall mean a municipal corporation, as defined...
13-0705 - Departmental Responsibilities. - 1. The department shall designate seagrass management areas. Designation of...