New York Laws
Title 3 - Marine Fisheries
13-0350 - Marine Resources Advisory Council.

(b) Persons designated or appointed to the advisory council shall have
demonstrated a long-standing interest, knowledge and experience in
commercial or recreational harvesting of marine resources.
3. Meetings of the council. The council shall meet at least quarterly.
4. Duties of the advisory council. The advisory council shall have the
following powers and duties:
(a) To review the allocations and expenditures of the department for
the care, management, protection and enlargement of marine resources and
report to the commissioner by January first of each year. The
commissioner shall, by February first of each year, submit such report,
in its entirety, to the governor, the legislature and interested
individuals and organizations. Such report shall include the findings of
the advisory council regarding such allocations and expenditures,
including expenditures and appropriations from the conservation fund and
the extent to which such expenditures and appropriations are consistent
with the requirements of state law.
(b) To make reports and release information from time to time as it
deems necessary to commercial and recreational harvesters and users of

marine resources and the general public regarding the marine resources
(c) To consult with commercial and recreational users of marine
resources and make recommendations on program needs and on how such
needs shall be met.
(d) To assist the department's efforts to expand the available sources
of income for the marine resources account and advise the department
with respect to the needs of those industries involved with the
commercial and recreational harvesting of marine resources.
(e) To review proposed regulations pertaining to the conservation and
management of marine fisheries, to consult with commercial and
recreational users of such fisheries regarding such regulations, and to
make recommendations and comments to the department regarding the
adoption and modification of such regulations consistent with the policy
and principles set forth in section 13-0105 of this article.
5. Term of appointment. All members of the council shall serve terms
of three years provided, however, that of the members first appointed,
one-third shall be appointed for a term of three years, one-third shall
be appointed for a term of two years, and one-third shall be appointed
for a term of one year. An appointment to fill a vacancy shall be made
for the remainder of the affected term in the same manner as the
original appointment was made. Such appointment shall be made within
sixty days of the date the position becomes vacant.
5-a. Term of appointment. The new members appointed pursuant to
subdivision two of this section as amended by a chapter of the laws of
1994 entitled "AN ACT to amend the environmental conservation law, in
relation to establishing the marine fisheries conservation and
management policy, various other provisions relating to the management
of marine resources and repealing paragraph d of subdivision 2 of
section 11-1319 of such law relating to the sale of billfish" shall be
appointed to terms as follows: the member appointed by the majority
leader of the senate and the member appointed by the speaker of the
assembly shall each be appointed to a term of three years; and of the
two members appointed by the commissioner, one shall be appointed to a
term of two years and the other shall be appointed to a term of one
6. State assistance. The commissioner shall make any and all documents
readily available to the council which the council indicates are needed
to properly and thoroughly carry out its responsibilities. The
commissioner shall also make available to the council such aid
reasonably necessary to allow the council to carry out its duties and

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

ENV - Environmental Conservation

Article 13 - Marine and Coastal Resources

Title 3 - Marine Fisheries

13-0301 - Lease of State-Owned Underwater Lands for Shellfish Cultivation.

13-0302 - Lands Underwater of Gardiner's and Peconic Bays.

13-0303 - Tax on State-Owned Underwater Lands Held Under Lease or Franchise for Shellfish Cultivation.

13-0305 - Marking Lands Prohibited; Injury to Monuments.

13-0307 - Sanitary Surveys.

13-0309 - Taking, Handling and Importation of Shellfish; General Provisions.

13-0310 - Northern or Lined Seahorses; Prohibited Acts.

13-0311 - Digger's Permit to Take Shellfish for Commercial Purposes; When Not Required.

13-0313 - Shellfish Growers; Definition; Bed Permit.

13-0315 - Shellfish Shipper's and Processor's Permit.

13-0316 - Marine Hatcheries; Off-Bottom and On-Bottom Culture; Permits.

13-0317 - Shipping Tags.

13-0319 - Shellfish Regulations.

13-0321 - Taking and Importation of Shellfish for Transplanting and Other Purposes.

13-0323 - Oysters; Prohibited Acts.

13-0325 - Clams; Prohibited Acts.

13-0327 - Scallops.

13-0328 - Commercial Licenses; Limited Entry.

13-0329 - Lobsters; Permit to Take; Prohibited Acts.

13-0330 - Whelks or Conchs; License to Take.

13-0331 - Crabs; Permit to Take; Prohibited Acts.

13-0333 - Menhaden; Prohibited Acts.

13-0334 - Marine and Coastal District Food Fish and Crustacea Dealers and Shippers License.

13-0335 - Food Fish; License; Prohibited Acts.

13-0336 - Marine and Coastal District Party and Charter Boat License.

13-0337 - Return of Fish, Crustacea and Other Animals to the Water.

13-0338 - Sharks; Department Authority; Finning Prohibited.

13-0339 - Marine Fish; Size Limits of Marine Species; Sale of Marine Species.

13-0339-A - Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua), Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser Oxyrhynchus), Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser Brevirostrum), American Eel (Anguilla Rostrata), Atlantic Herring (Clupea Horengus), American Shad (Alosa Sapidissima), Alewife (Alosa P...

13-0340 - Bluefish (Pomatomus Saltatrix).

13-0340-A - Weakfish (Cynoscion Regalis).

13-0340-B - Fluke - Summer Flounder (Paralichthys Dentatus).

13-0340-C - Winter Flounder (Pleuorenectes Americanus).

13-0340-D - Blackfish or Tautog (Tautoga Onitis).

13-0340-E - Scup (Stenotomus Chrysops).

13-0340-F - Black Sea Bass (Centropristis Striata).

13-0340-G - Monkfish (Lophius Americanus, Lophius Reticulatus and Lophius Gastrophysus).

13-0341 - Trawls; Use Prohibited in Certain Waters.

13-0342 - Marine Fisheries Data.

13-0343 - Nets Other Than Trawls; Restrictions on Use of Nets and Trawls.

13-0343-A - Fish Pots and Traps; Restrictions.

13-0344 - Fish, Shellfish and Crustacea; Dumping.

13-0345 - Protection of Waters; Cesspools and Drains.

13-0347 - Management of Striped Bass in Marine Waters.

13-0349 - Taking of Fish for Commercial Purposes.

13-0350 - Marine Resources Advisory Council.

13-0355 - Recreational Marine Fishing Registration.

13-0360 - Special Management Areas.

13-0371 - Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Compact.