New York Laws
Title 3 - Marine Fisheries
13-0355 - Recreational Marine Fishing Registration.

(i) at all times have such registration on the holder's person while
exercising any privilege of that registration; and
(ii) shall exhibit such registration on demand to any police officer,
peace officer, or owner, lessee or other person in control of the lands
or waters or the designees of the owner, lessee or person in control of
the lands or waters on which the registration holder is present and is
exercising the privileges thereof.
b. Failure to have a recreational marine fishing registration on one's
person while exercising any privilege of that registration is
presumptive evidence that such person is fishing without holding the
registration required by this section.
4. Fees. No applicant for a recreational marine fishing registration
shall be required to pay a fee for such registration.
5. Exemption from requirement of recreational marine fishing
registration. a. Minors under the age of sixteen may take fish as if
they held a recreational marine fishing registration.
b. Recreational fishing passengers on a marine and coastal district
party or charter boat licensed and registered pursuant to section
13-0336 of this title may take fish as if they held a recreational
marine fishing registration.
6. Recreational marine fishing registration data. a. The department is
authorized to collect data on holders of recreational marine fishing
registrations, which shall include but not be limited to, a registrant's
name, address and date of birth.
b. Registration holder data collected by the department or available
to the department shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed
except as required to comply with section 401(g) of the Magnuson-Stevens
fisheries management and conservation act (16 U.S.C. 1881), as may be
amended from time to time, or by court order, except that the department

may release or make public any statistics in an aggregate or summary
form which does not make it possible to identify any person who submits
such data. The department may prescribe such procedures as may be
necessary to preserve such confidentiality.
7. Reciprocity in boundary waters. If persons holding recreational
marine fishing registrations issued under the New York fish and wildlife
law are not required to have licenses or registrations issued by a state
named in paragraph a, b or c of this subdivision when fishing in that
part of the waters, specified in such paragraph, which lies within that
state then, in such case, a person holding a similar license or
registration issued by such state may, without a recreational marine
fishing registration issued under the New York fish and wildlife law,
take fish as provided in this title, from that part of such waters
specified in paragraph a, b or c of this subdivision which lies within
this state:
a. License or registration issued by Connecticut: those parts of Long
Island Sound lying between New York and Connecticut.
b. License or registration issued by New Jersey: those parts of New
York Harbor, Hudson River, Kill Van Kull, Arthur Kill, Raritan Bay and
Atlantic Ocean lying between New York and New Jersey.
c. License or registration issued by Rhode Island: those parts of Long
Island Sound, Block Island Sound and Atlantic Ocean lying between New
York and Rhode Island.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

ENV - Environmental Conservation

Article 13 - Marine and Coastal Resources

Title 3 - Marine Fisheries

13-0301 - Lease of State-Owned Underwater Lands for Shellfish Cultivation.

13-0302 - Lands Underwater of Gardiner's and Peconic Bays.

13-0303 - Tax on State-Owned Underwater Lands Held Under Lease or Franchise for Shellfish Cultivation.

13-0305 - Marking Lands Prohibited; Injury to Monuments.

13-0307 - Sanitary Surveys.

13-0309 - Taking, Handling and Importation of Shellfish; General Provisions.

13-0310 - Northern or Lined Seahorses; Prohibited Acts.

13-0311 - Digger's Permit to Take Shellfish for Commercial Purposes; When Not Required.

13-0313 - Shellfish Growers; Definition; Bed Permit.

13-0315 - Shellfish Shipper's and Processor's Permit.

13-0316 - Marine Hatcheries; Off-Bottom and On-Bottom Culture; Permits.

13-0317 - Shipping Tags.

13-0319 - Shellfish Regulations.

13-0321 - Taking and Importation of Shellfish for Transplanting and Other Purposes.

13-0323 - Oysters; Prohibited Acts.

13-0325 - Clams; Prohibited Acts.

13-0327 - Scallops.

13-0328 - Commercial Licenses; Limited Entry.

13-0329 - Lobsters; Permit to Take; Prohibited Acts.

13-0330 - Whelks or Conchs; License to Take.

13-0331 - Crabs; Permit to Take; Prohibited Acts.

13-0333 - Menhaden; Prohibited Acts.

13-0334 - Marine and Coastal District Food Fish and Crustacea Dealers and Shippers License.

13-0335 - Food Fish; License; Prohibited Acts.

13-0336 - Marine and Coastal District Party and Charter Boat License.

13-0337 - Return of Fish, Crustacea and Other Animals to the Water.

13-0338 - Sharks; Department Authority; Finning Prohibited.

13-0339 - Marine Fish; Size Limits of Marine Species; Sale of Marine Species.

13-0339-A - Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua), Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser Oxyrhynchus), Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser Brevirostrum), American Eel (Anguilla Rostrata), Atlantic Herring (Clupea Horengus), American Shad (Alosa Sapidissima), Alewife (Alosa P...

13-0340 - Bluefish (Pomatomus Saltatrix).

13-0340-A - Weakfish (Cynoscion Regalis).

13-0340-B - Fluke - Summer Flounder (Paralichthys Dentatus).

13-0340-C - Winter Flounder (Pleuorenectes Americanus).

13-0340-D - Blackfish or Tautog (Tautoga Onitis).

13-0340-E - Scup (Stenotomus Chrysops).

13-0340-F - Black Sea Bass (Centropristis Striata).

13-0340-G - Monkfish (Lophius Americanus, Lophius Reticulatus and Lophius Gastrophysus).

13-0341 - Trawls; Use Prohibited in Certain Waters.

13-0342 - Marine Fisheries Data.

13-0343 - Nets Other Than Trawls; Restrictions on Use of Nets and Trawls.

13-0343-A - Fish Pots and Traps; Restrictions.

13-0344 - Fish, Shellfish and Crustacea; Dumping.

13-0345 - Protection of Waters; Cesspools and Drains.

13-0347 - Management of Striped Bass in Marine Waters.

13-0349 - Taking of Fish for Commercial Purposes.

13-0350 - Marine Resources Advisory Council.

13-0355 - Recreational Marine Fishing Registration.

13-0360 - Special Management Areas.

13-0371 - Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Compact.