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Title 1 - Short Title; Definitions; General Provisions
11-0101 - Short Title. - Article 11 together with article 13 of the Environmental Conservation...
11-0103 - Definitions. - (1) "Migratory game birds" means the Anatidae or waterfowl, commonly...
11-0105 - State Ownership and Control. - The State of New York owns all fish, game, wildlife,...
11-0107 - Application of Fish and Wildlife Law. - 1. No person shall, at any time of the year,...
11-0109 - Standard Time of the State. - Provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Law, or regulations of...
11-0110 - Interference With Lawful Taking of Wildlife Prohibited. - (a) strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise subjects the licensed person...
11-0111 - Limitation of Powers of Boards of Supervisors and County Legislative Bodies. - legislative bodies. Boards of supervisors of counties and county legislative...
11-0113 - Manner of Reference to and Amendment of Provisions Contained in Tables. - in tables. 1. Any portion of any table contained in...
Title 3 - General Powers and Duties of the Department
11-0303 - Management of Fish and Wildlife Resources; General Purposes and Policies Governing Manner of Exercise of Powers. - and policies governing manner of exercise of powers. 1. The...
11-0305 - General Powers and Duties of the Department. - In addition to the powers and duties provided in other...
11-0306 - The Hudson River Estuary Management Program. - 1. There is established a Hudson River estuarine district which...
11-0306-A - The Flax Pond Tidal Wetlands Sanctuary. - 1. There is established a Flax Pond tidal wetlands sanctuary...
11-0307 - Migratory Game Birds; Regulation. - * 1. The department may adopt rules and regulations in...
11-0308 - Sale of Small Lead Fishing Sinkers Prohibited. - (a) "sinker" shall mean any device that is designed to...
11-0309 - Extension of Open Seasons After Emergency Closing. - Whenever open seasons for hunting, fishing or trapping have been...
11-0311 - Additional or Other Protection. - 1. The department shall have power to give to any...
11-0313 - Waters Closed to Taking of Fish. - The department shall have power by regulation to close any...
11-0315 - Hudson River Shad Fishery. - The department is authorized in its discretion to adopt regulations...
11-0317 - Seasons and Limits for Taking Fish in Certain Border Waters. - 1. After consultation with the appropriate agencies of the neighboring...
11-0319 - Seasons, Limits and Manner of Taking Fish in Waters of New York City Water Supply Open to Public. - York City water supply open to public. Notwithstanding any other...
11-0321 - "Restricted Areas"; Additional Enforcement on Private Premises. - premises. 1. Without limitation of the purpose and policy described...
11-0323 - Publication of Fish and Wildlife Law. - 1. The department shall compile and index each year after...
11-0325 - Control of Dangerous Diseases. - 1. Whenever it is jointly determined by the Department of...
11-0327 - Conservation Fund Advisory Board. - (b) Persons designated or appointed to the advisory board, excluding...
11-0329 - Outdoor Recreation and Trail Maintenance; Regulation. - 1. The department shall, by rule and regulation, establish the...
Title 5 - Fish and Wildlife Management Practices Cooperative Program; Prohibitions; Taking of Fish, Wildlife, Shellfish and Crustacea for Scientific Or
11-0501 - Fish and Wildlife Management Practices Cooperative Program. - (1) to recommend to the regional boards such policies and...
11-0503 - Polluting Streams Prohibited. - 1. No dyestuffs, coal tar, refuse from a gas house,...
11-0505 - Interference With Fish and Wildlife. - 1. a. Except as permitted by the department, no person...
11-0507 - Liberation of Fish, Shellfish and Wildlife. - 1. Fish or fish eggs shall not be placed in...
11-0509 - Water Chestnut. - No person shall plant, transport, transplant or traffic in plants...
11-0511 - Possession and Transportation of Wildlife. - Subject to the provisions of section 11-0512 of this article,...
11-0512 - Possession, Sale, Barter, Transfer, Exchange and Import of Wild Animals as Pets Prohibited. - (1) The name, address and telephone number of the person...
11-0513 - Pigeons. - 1. No person shall at any time, by any means...
11-0514 - Eurasian Boars Prohibited. - 1. For purposes of this section, "Eurasian boar" shall mean...
11-0515 - Licenses to Collect, Possess or Sell for Propagation, Scientific or Exhibition Purposes. - scientific or exhibition purposes. 1. The department may issue to...
11-0517 - Taking for Propagation and Stocking; Fish Hindering Propagation of Food Fish or Shellfish. - propagation of food fish or shellfish. 1. The department may...
11-0519 - Disposition of Fish, Wildlife, Game, Shellfish, Crustacea or Protected Insects Seized by or Surrendered to Enforcement Officers. - protected insects seized by or surrendered to enforcement officers. 1....
11-0521 - Destructive Wildlife; Taking Pursuant to Permit. - 1. The department may direct any environmental conservation officer, or...
11-0523 - Destructive or Menacing Wildlife; Taking Without Permit. - 1. Owners and lessees and members of their immediate families...
11-0524 - Nuisance Wildlife Control Operators. - 1. No person shall charge a fee to take, possess,...
11-0525 - Control of Rabies in Wildlife. - 1. Whenever the disease rabies occurs in any area of...
11-0527 - State Aid to Counties Participating in Control of Rabies in Wildlife. - wildlife. 1. The board of supervisors or county legislative body...
11-0529 - Cats Hunting Birds; Dogs Pursuing Deer or Killing Other Wildlife in Certain Areas. - wildlife in certain areas. 1. Any person over the age...
11-0531 - Bounties Prohibited. - Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, or any other...
11-0533 - Licensing of Guides. - 1. As used in this section, the term "guide" shall...
11-0535 - Endangered and Threatened Species, Species of Special Concern. - concern. 1. For the purposes of this section, "endangered species"...
11-0535-A - Illegal Ivory Articles and Rhinoceros Horns. - 1. As used in this section: a. "Distribute" means a...
11-0535-B - Vulnerable Species. - (a) On the basis of credible scientific evidence, which may...
11-0535-C - Endangered and Threatened Species Mitigation Bank Fund. - 1. The department is hereby authorized to utilize funds in...
11-0536 - Sale of Certain Wild Animals or Wild Animal Products Prohibited. - prohibited. 1. Except as provided in subdivision three hereof, no...
11-0537 - Bald and Golden Eagles; Prohibited Acts. - It shall be unlawful to knowingly or with wanton disregard...
11-0538 - Direct Contact Between Public and Big Cats Prohibited. - (a) "Big cat" shall mean any live species of lion...
11-0539 - New York Natural Heritage Program. - (i) provides habitat for "endangered species" or "threatened species" as...
11-0540 - Prohibition on Permits Authorizing the Use of Elephants in Entertainment Acts. - entertainment acts. The department shall not issue any license or...
Title 7 - Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Licenses
11-0701 - Definitions of Licenses and Privileges of Licensees. - (1) a holder who is eighteen years of age or...
11-0702 - Lifetime Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Archery and Muzzle-Loading Licenses. - muzzle-loading licenses. 1. There are hereby created the following lifetime...
11-0703 - General Provisions. - 1. a. The privileges of the licenses and stamps defined...
11-0704 - Transfer of a Lifetime License. - A lifetime license, as provided in section 11-0702 of this...
11-0705 - Failure to Carry License, Tag or Bowhunting And/or Muzzle-Loading Privileges. - (1) have such license, tag or privilege on the holder's...
11-0706 - Gift Cards for Hunting and Fishing Licenses. - 1. The commissioner is authorized to establish gift cards for...
11-0707 - Exemptions From Requirement of Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Licenses. - licenses. 1. Resident owners and lessees and members of their...
11-0709 - Circumstances in Which License Under Section 11-0701 Not Required. - required. 1. When a license or permit issued by the...
11-0713 - Procedure in Issuing Licenses. - (1) clerks of a county, town or city, except a...
11-0715 - Fees. - 1. When any license or privilege listed in this section...
11-0719 - Revocation and Suspension of Licenses and of Right to Hunt, Fish or Trap Without License. - (1) is convicted of a violation of the Fish and...
Title 9 - Hunting
11-0901 - Prohibitions. - (1) skunk, raccoon, bobcat, coyote, fox, mink and muskrat may...
11-0903 - Open Hunting Seasons and Bag Limits Fixed by Regulation. - (1) a requirement that hunting deer during such special season...
11-0905 - Open Hunting Seasons and Bag Limits for Upland Game Birds and Small Game. - small game. 1. Game of the species listed in column...
11-0907 - Deer and Bear; Open Hunting Seasons; Bag Limits. - (2) A person who holds licenses and privileges authorizing the...
11-0909 - Hunting Hours. - 1. Bobcat, mink, muskrat, raccoon, coyote, fox and skunk may...
11-0911 - Procedure on Taking Wild Deer and Bear; Transportation of Wild Deer. - wild deer. 1. a. When a wild deer is taken...
11-0913 - Deer Management Permits. - 1. a. Until December thirty-first, two thousand twenty-four, whenever in...
11-0914 - Yearling Buck Protection Program. - 1. Definitions. a. An "antlered deer" is defined as a...
11-0915 - Disposal of Deer, Moose and Bear Killed Unintentionally by Collision. - collision. The owner of a motor vehicle which has been...
11-0917 - Possession, Transportation and Sale of Wild Game and Other Wildlife. - wildlife. 1. Wild game and other wildlife, taken in this...
11-0919 - Aid to Wildlife in Distress. - 1. Notwithstanding any provision of law, rule or regulation to...
11-0921 - Surrender of Game Unfit for Human Consumption; Permit for Taking Another of Species Surrendered. - taking another of species surrendered. When a wild turkey, wild...
11-0923 - Dogs. - 1. No owner or trainer of a dog shall: a....
11-0925 - Special Dog Training Areas. - 1. a. A dog owner or trainer may establish and...
11-0927 - Field Trials. - 1. No person shall hold a field trial except as...
11-0928 - Tracking Dogs. - Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the department may...
11-0929 - Hunting by Minors. - (1) he or she is accompanied by his or her...
11-0931 - Prohibitions on the Use and Possession of Firearms. - (1) such a firearm using twenty-two caliber rim-fire ammunition, or...
11-0933 - Taking Small Game by Crossbow. - Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, or any prior notwithstanding...
11-0935 - Deer Hunting Program. - (a) such minor is accompanied by their parent or legal...
Title 10 - Falconry
11-1001 - Definitions. - (1) "Raptors" means all species of the orders Strigiformes and...
11-1003 - Falconry License. - Any resident of this state may be issued a falconry...
11-1005 - Falconry Advisory Board. - The commissioner shall appoint a falconry advisory board of not...
11-1007 - Department Authority. - The department shall make such rules and regulations governing the...
11-1009 - Prohibitions. - (1) Raptors for use in falconry shall not be bought,...
Title 11 - Trapping
11-1101 - Prohibitions. - (a) when used in water during the open season for...
11-1103 - Open Trapping Seasons. - 1. The department may by regulation permit trapping of beaver,...
11-1105 - Procedure. - 1. Traps set for taking wildlife shall bear the name...
11-1107 - Possession, Transportation and Sale. - Wildlife taken by trapping may be possessed, transported, bought and...
11-1109 - Registered Muskrat Marshes. - 1. Applicability. A registered muskrat marsh is an enclosed marsh...
Title 12 - Hunting While Intoxicated
11-1201 - Definitions. - For the purposes of this title: 1. "Hunting" means shooting...
11-1203 - Hunting While Intoxicated Prohibited. - 1. No person shall engage in hunting while he is...
11-1205 - Enforcement. - 1. Police officers and officers named in subdivision one of...
11-1207 - Evidence Admitted in Court. - Upon the trial of any action or proceeding arising out...
11-1209 - Penalties. - 1. Whoever shall hunt while his ability is impaired by...
11-1211 - Savings Clause. - If any word, clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or other part...
Title 13 - Fishing
11-1301 - General Provisions. - 1. Except as specifically provided in this article or in...
11-1303 - Open Seasons, Size and Catch Limits and Manner of Taking Fish Fixed by Regulation. - fixed by regulation. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter,...
11-1305 - Size and Catch Limits. - The department may promulgate regulations restricting possession on the waters...
11-1307 - Fishing Promotion Program. - The commissioner shall develop and implement a fishing promotion program....
11-1311 - Fishing in Waters Impounded by Dams Constructed for Power Purposes. - purposes. The waters impounded by any dam hereafter constructed for...
11-1315 - Taking and Sale of Bait Fish. - (1) in waters not inhabited by trout, by means of...
11-1316 - Use of Fish as Bait. - 1. The department may, by regulation designating the waters in...
11-1317 - Fish-Bait; Protection of Aquatic Insects. - 1. No aquatic insect nor any insect that lives in...
11-1319 - Possession, Transportation and Sale of Fish. - 1. Application. a. This section governs possession, transportation and sale...
11-1321 - Other Prohibited Acts. - 1. No person shall take fish (a) by use of...
Title 15 - Commercial Inland Fisheries
11-1501 - Application of Title. - 1. This title 15 of the Fish and Wildlife Law...
11-1503 - Nets; License Required; Power of Department. - The department may regulate the use of nets and other...
11-1505 - Open Seasons, Size and Catch Limits and Manner of Taking and Possession of Fish; Regulations. - possession of fish; regulations. The department may fix by regulation...
11-1519 - Vessels to Carry Employees of Department. - Any person operating a boat used in taking fish shall...
11-1521 - Management of Striped Bass in the Hudson River. - Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary: 1. Striped...
Title 17 - Importation and Sale of Fish, Wildlife and Game From Outside the State; Sale of Domestic and Foreign Game and Hatchery Trout; Bird Plumage; T
11-1701 - Application of Sections 11-1703, 11-1705 and 11-1707. - 1. Sections 11-1703, 11-1705 and 11-1707 apply to fish, wildlife...
11-1703 - Importation, Possession and Sale of Fish Without License or Permit; Prohibitions. - permit; prohibitions. 1. Except as provided in subdivision 3 and...
11-1705 - Importation, Possession and Sale of Wildlife and Game Other Than Domestic and Foreign Game. - than domestic and foreign game. 1. Frogs taken outside the...
11-1707 - Importation and Possession of Non-Saleable Fish, Game and Wildlife and Saleable Fish, Game and Wildlife Imported During the Closed Season. - wildlife and saleable fish, game and wildlife imported during the...
11-1709 - Importation and Transportation of Certain Fish or Fish Eggs. - Notwithstanding any other provision of the Fish and Wildlife Law...
11-1717 - Foreign Game. - 1. Foreign game means pheasants of all species, Scotch grouse,...
11-1721 - Identification of Carcasses and Parts Thereof. - 1. The provisions of this section apply to carcasses and...
11-1723 - Sale of Game and Trout; Transportation Within the State. - 1. a. Except as provided in paragraph b, game and...
11-1725 - Shipment by Carriers. - 1. Carriers may receive, and may transport, within and from...
11-1727 - Hatchery Trout and Domestic or Imported Foreign Game in Sealed Containers. - sealed containers. Trout raised in a private hatchery under permit...
11-1728 - Sale of Live Wild Birds. - Except as permitted by rule and regulation of the department,...
11-1733 - Taxidermy. - Persons engaged for hire in the business of preparing, stuffing...
Title 19 - Propagation; Shooting Preserves; Farm Fish Ponds; Fishing Preserves
11-1901 - Breeding of Domestic Game Birds. - 1. The department may, in its discretion, issue to an...
11-1903 - Shooting Preserves. - 1. The department may, in its discretion, issue to an...
11-1904 - Canned Shoots Prohibited. - (1) the shooting or spearing of a non-native big game...
11-1905 - Breeding of Domestic Game Animals. - 1. The department may, in its discretion, issue to an...
11-1906 - On-Line Shoots Prohibited. - 1. No person, firm, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, association...
11-1907 - Propagation of Fur-Bearing Animals. - 1. Beaver, bobcat, coyote, raccoon, sable or marten, skunk, otter,...
11-1909 - Private Trout and Black Bass Hatcheries. - 1. The department in its discretion may issue to any...
11-1911 - Farm Fish Ponds. - 1. "Farm fish pond" means a body of water, impounded...
11-1913 - Fishing Preserves. - (1) contain the name of the town and county in...
Title 20 - New York State Bird Conservation Area Program
11-2001 - New York State Bird Conservation Area Program. - 1. There shall be created a New York state bird...
11-2003 - Advisory Committee. - There shall be created within the department a New York...
Title 20-A - Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Protection Area
11-2050 - Establishment of the Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Protection Area. - (a) a site providing habitat to species including: (i) harbor...
Title 21 - Conservation Areas and Facilities; Private Refuges and Posted Lands
11-2101 - Powers of the Department. - 1. The department shall have power: a. to make regulations...
11-2103 - Acquisition and Use of Property. - 1. The department shall have power to acquire by lease,...
11-2105 - State Game Refuges. - 1. Any enclosed land or water owned by the state...
11-2106 - National Wildlife Refuge System; Regulations. - The department shall adopt regulations in relation to fish and...
11-2107 - Consent for the United States to Acquire Land or Water for the Establishment of Migratory Bird Reservations. - the establishment of migratory bird reservations. Consent of the state...
11-2111 - Posting; Service of Notice. - 1. An area protected pursuant to this title and title...
11-2113 - Effect of Posting or Service of Notice. - 1. No person shall enter or remain unlawfully or engage...
11-2115 - Posted and Unposted Lands; Failure to Leave on Request. - 1. It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in...
11-2117 - Damage to Property, Livestock or Domestic Fowl by Hunters and Fishermen. - fishermen. No person, for the purpose of or while hunting,...
Title 23 - Administration of Fish and Wildlife Law
11-2301 - Rules and Regulations. - Rules and regulations adopted by the department pursuant to the...
11-2303 - Disposition of Moneys. - 1. Moneys received in accordance with the terms of any...
11-2305 - Sale of Trees, Timber and Other Products. - Sale of trees, timber and other products sold by the...
Title 25 - Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact
11-2501 - Short Title. - This title shall be known and may be cited as...
11-2503 - Adoption and Text of Compact. - (a) The participating states find that: (1) Wildlife resources are...