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Title 1 - Campaign Receipts and Expenditures
14-100 - Definitions. - (1) any gift, subscription, outstanding loan (to the extent provided...
14-102 - Statements of Campaign Receipts, Contributions, Transfers and Expenditures to and by Political Committees. - § 14-102. Statements of campaign receipts, contributions, transfers and expenditures...
14-104 - Statements of Campaign Receipts, Contributions, Transfers and Expenditures by and to Candidates. - § 14-104. Statements of campaign receipts, contributions, transfers and expenditures...
14-105 - Elimination of Duplicate Electronic Filing. - § 14-105. Elimination of duplicate electronic filing. 1. Any candidate...
14-106 - Political Communication. - § 14-106. Political communication. 1. The statements required to be...
14-107 - Independent Expenditure Reporting. - (a) "Independent expenditure" means an expenditure made by an independent...
14-107-A - Prohibited Spending by Independent Expenditure Committees and Political Action Committees. - (b) No candidate, candidate's authorized committee, party committee, or constituted...
14-107-B - Independent Expenditure Verification. - § 14-107-b. Independent expenditure verification. 1. Upon the purchase of...
14-108 - Time for Filing Statements. - § 14-108. Time for filing statements. 1. The statements required...
14-110 - Place for Filing Statements. - § 14-110. Place for filing statements. The places for filing...
14-112 - Political Committee Authorization Statement. - § 14-112. Political committee authorization statement. Any political committee aiding...
14-114 - Contribution and Receipt Limitations. - (2) Provided, however, that such adjustments shall not occur for...
14-116 - Political Contributions by Certain Organizations. - § 14-116. Political contributions by certain organizations. 1. No corporation,...
14-118 - Treasurer and Depository of Political Committee; Filing of Name and Address. - (b) Every candidate required to file sworn statements pursuant to...
14-120 - Campaign Contribution to Be Under True Name of Contributor. - (b) If, by application of paragraph (a) of this subdivision,...
14-122 - Accounting to Treasurer or Candidate; Vouchers. - § 14-122. Accounting to treasurer or candidate; vouchers. 1. Whoever,...
14-124 - Exceptions. - § 14-124. Exceptions. 1. This article shall not apply to...
14-126 - Violations; Penalties. - (b) All payments received by the state board of elections...
14-127 - Notice of Civil Penalty to Authorizing Candidate. - § 14-127. Notice of civil penalty to authorizing candidate. If...
14-128 - Disposition of Anonymous Contributions. - § 14-128. Disposition of anonymous contributions. Any anonymous contributions received...
14-130 - Campaign Funds for Personal Use. - (i) any residential or household items, supplies or expenditures, including...
14-132 - Disposition of Campaign Funds. - (a) returning, pro rata, to each contributor the funds that...
Title 2 - Public Financing
14-200 - Legislative Findings and Intent. - § 14-200. Legislative findings and intent. The legislature finds that...
14-200-A - Definitions. - (b) The following contributions are not matchable: (i) loans; (ii)...
14-201 - Political Committee Registration. - (b) The PCFB shall review each disclosure report filed and...
14-202 - Proof of Compliance. - § 14-202. Proof of compliance. Authorized and political committees shall...
14-203 - Eligibility. - (a) be a candidate in a covered election; (b) meet...
14-204 - Limits on Public Financing. - (a) for Governor $3,500,000 (b) for Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General...
14-205 - Payment of Public Matching Funds. - (b) In any election for state senate or state assembly...
14-206 - Use of Public Matching Funds; Qualified Campaign Expenditures. - (a) an expenditure in violation of any law; (b) an...
14-207 - Composition, Powers, and Duties of the Public Campaign Finance Board. - § 14-207. Composition, powers, and duties of the public campaign...
14-208 - Audits and Repayments. - (b) Every participating candidate for statewide office who receives public...
14-209 - Enforcement and Penalties for Violations and Other Proceedings. - (a) determine whether a violation of any provision of this...
14-210 - Reports. - § 14-210. Reports. The PCFB shall review and evaluate the...
14-211 - Debates for Candidates for Statewide Office. - § 14-211. Debates for candidates for statewide office. The PCFB...
14-212 - Severability. - (iii) state senator, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (c)...