ยง 14-211. Debates for candidates for statewide office. The PCFB shall
promulgate regulations to facilitate debates among participating
candidates who seek election to statewide office. Participating
candidates are required to participate in one debate before each
election for which the candidate receives public funds, unless the
participating candidate is running unopposed. Nonparticipating
candidates may participate in such debates.
Structure New York Laws
Article 14 - Campaign Receipts and Expenditures; Public Financing
14-200 - Legislative Findings and Intent.
14-201 - Political Committee Registration.
14-204 - Limits on Public Financing.
14-205 - Payment of Public Matching Funds.
14-206 - Use of Public Matching Funds; Qualified Campaign Expenditures.
14-207 - Composition, Powers, and Duties of the Public Campaign Finance Board.
14-208 - Audits and Repayments.
14-209 - Enforcement and Penalties for Violations and Other Proceedings.