(a) returning, pro rata, to each contributor the funds that have not
been spent or obligated;
(b) donating the funds to a charitable organization or organizations
that meet the qualifications of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code;
(c) donating the funds to the state university of New York or the city
university of New York;
(d) donating the funds to the state's general fund; or
(e) contributing or transferring the funds to a candidate, party,
constituted or political committee in accordance with the applicable
limits, if any, set forth in this article.
2. No such candidate's authorized political committee shall dispose of
campaign funds by making expenditures for personal use as defined in
section 14-130 of this article.
3. If funds are not disposed of within the time required by this
section, such funds shall be recoverable by the chief enforcement
counsel of the state board of elections in a special proceeding in state
supreme court in the manner prescribed by section 16-116 of this chapter
and deposited into the state's general fund.
Structure New York Laws
Article 14 - Campaign Receipts and Expenditures; Public Financing
Title 1 - Campaign Receipts and Expenditures
14-105 - Elimination of Duplicate Electronic Filing.
14-106 - Political Communication.
14-107 - Independent Expenditure Reporting.
14-107-B - Independent Expenditure Verification.
14-108 - Time for Filing Statements.
14-110 - Place for Filing Statements.
14-112 - Political Committee Authorization Statement.
14-114 - Contribution and Receipt Limitations.
14-116 - Political Contributions by Certain Organizations.
14-118 - Treasurer and Depository of Political Committee; Filing of Name and Address.
14-120 - Campaign Contribution to Be Under True Name of Contributor.
14-122 - Accounting to Treasurer or Candidate; Vouchers.
14-126 - Violations; Penalties.
14-127 - Notice of Civil Penalty to Authorizing Candidate.
14-128 - Disposition of Anonymous Contributions.