(2) Provided, however, that such adjustments shall not occur for
candidates seeking statewide office, or the position of state senator or
member of the assembly, whether such candidate does or does not
participate in the public finance program established pursuant to title
two of this article.
g. Notwithstanding any other contribution limit in this section,
participating candidates as defined in subdivision fourteen of section
14-200-a of this article may contribute, out of their own money, three
times the applicable contribution limit to their own authorized
2. For purposes of this section, contributions other than of money
shall be evaluated at their fair market value. The state board of
elections shall promulgate regulations, consistent with law, governing
the manner of computing fair market value.
3. As used in this section the term "contributor" shall not include a
party committee supporting the candidate of such party or a constituted
committee supporting the candidate of such party.
4. For purposes of this section, a portion of every contribution to a
party committee, expended as other than non-candidate expenditures, and
a portion of every contribution to a political committee authorized to
support more than one candidate, shall be deemed contributed to every
candidate supported by such committee. That portion shall be determined
by allocating the contributions received by the committee among all the
candidates supported by the committee in accordance with any formula
based upon reasonable standards established by the committee. The
statements filed by such committee in accordance with this article shall
set forth, in addition to the other information required to be set
forth, the total amount received by the committee from each contributor
on behalf of all such candidates and the amount of each such
contribution allocated to each candidate by dollar amount and
percentage. Nothing in this subdivision shall require allocating
contributions expended on non-candidate expenditures to candidates.
5. No constituted committee may expend, in any twelve month period
terminating on the day of a general election, other than as
non-candidate expenditures, any portion of any individual contribution
which exceeds, in the case of a state committee, one-half of one cent
for each registered voter in the state, or, in the case of any other
constituted committee, the greater of one cent for each registered voter
in the district in which the committee is organized or five hundred
dollars. The number of such voters shall be determined as of the date of
such general election or as of the date of the general election in
whichever of the preceding four years shall result in the greatest
6. a. A loan made to a candidate or political committee, other than a
constituted committee, by any person, firm, association or corporation
other than in the regular course of the lender's business shall be
deemed, to the extent not repaid by the date of the primary, general or
special election, as the case may be, a contribution by such person,
firm, association or corporation.
b. A loan made to a candidate or political committee, other than a
constituted committee, by any person, firm, association or corporation
in the regular course of the lender's business shall be deemed, to the
extent not repaid by the date of the primary, general or special
election, as the case may be, a contribution by the obligor on the loan
and by any other person endorsing, cosigning, guaranteeing,
collateralizing or otherwise providing security for the loan.
c. Lobbyists, as defined by subdivision (a) of section one-c of the
legislative law or by subdivision (a) of section 3-211 of the
administrative code of the city of New York, political action
committees, labor unions, and any person who has registered with the
state board of elections as an independent expenditure committee
pursuant to subdivision three of section 14-107 of this article are
prohibited from making loans to candidates or political committees;
provided, however, that a lobbyist shall not be prohibited from making a
loan to himself or herself or to his or her own political committee when
such lobbyist is a candidate for office.
7. For the purposes of this section, the number of registered or
enrolled voters shall be determined as of the date of the general,
special or primary election, as the case may be or as of the date of the
general election in any of the preceding four years, whichever date
shall result in the greatest number and candidates running jointly for
the offices of governor and lieutenant governor in a general or special
election shall be deemed to be one candidate.
8. Except as may otherwise be provided for a candidate and his family,
no person may contribute, loan or guarantee in excess of one hundred
fifty thousand dollars within the state in connection with the
nomination or election of persons to state and local public offices and
party positions within the state of New York in any one calendar year.
For the purposes of this subdivision "loan" or "guarantee" shall mean a
loan or guarantee which is not repaid or discharged in the calendar year
in which it is made.
10. a. No contributor may make a contribution to a party or
constituted committee and no such committee may accept a contribution
from any contributor which, in the aggregate, is greater than sixty-two
thousand five hundred dollars per annum.
b. At the beginning of each fourth calendar year, commencing in
nineteen hundred ninety-five, the state board shall determine the
percentage of the difference between the most recent available monthly
consumer price index for all urban consumers published by the United
States bureau of labor statistics and such consumer price index
published for the same month four years previously. The amount of such
contribution limit fixed in paragraph a of this subdivision shall be
adjusted by the amount of such percentage difference to the closest one
hundred dollars by the state board which, not later than the first day
of February in each such year, shall issue a regulation publishing the
amount of such contribution limit. Such contribution limit as so
adjusted shall be the contribution limit in effect for any election held
before the next such adjustment.
11. A board of elections, as defined in subdivision twenty-six of
section 1-104 of this chapter, shall calculate and publish on its
website, on or before the fifteenth day of April, all contribution
limits established pursuant to this section for the county, town, city
and village offices on the ballot in that year, and within the same time
period provide such calculated contribution limits to the state board of
elections in the format required by such board.
Structure New York Laws
Article 14 - Campaign Receipts and Expenditures; Public Financing
Title 1 - Campaign Receipts and Expenditures
14-105 - Elimination of Duplicate Electronic Filing.
14-106 - Political Communication.
14-107 - Independent Expenditure Reporting.
14-107-B - Independent Expenditure Verification.
14-108 - Time for Filing Statements.
14-110 - Place for Filing Statements.
14-112 - Political Committee Authorization Statement.
14-114 - Contribution and Receipt Limitations.
14-116 - Political Contributions by Certain Organizations.
14-118 - Treasurer and Depository of Political Committee; Filing of Name and Address.
14-120 - Campaign Contribution to Be Under True Name of Contributor.
14-122 - Accounting to Treasurer or Candidate; Vouchers.
14-126 - Violations; Penalties.
14-127 - Notice of Civil Penalty to Authorizing Candidate.
14-128 - Disposition of Anonymous Contributions.