ยง 7. Joint corporations. 1. Any number of masonic bodies within the
state, chartered by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the
State of New York, the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State
of New York, the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of the State
of New York, the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of New
York, the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for
the Northern Masonic jurisdiction, United States of America, the
Imperial Council of the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine for North America, or the Supreme Council of the Mystic Order of
Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm of the United States of America,
any number of chapters of the Order of the Eastern Star chartered by the
Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star of the State of New York
and any number of masonic clubs duly chartered by or affiliated with the
National League of Masonic Clubs, and any number of courts of the Order
of the Amaranth chartered by the Grand Court of the Order of the
Amaranth of the State of New York;
2. Any subordinate courts or other bodies of the Foresters of America,
instituted, established or authorized by the supreme or a grand court
3. Any lodges, encampments and cantons within the state chartered by
the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Grand
Encampment or by the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, pursuant and subject to the constitution, general rules or
laws of said order.
4. Any Rebekah lodges under the control and direction of the General
Assembly of Rebekah lodges of the State of New York, chartered by the
Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the State of New
York, pursuant and subject to the constitution, general rules or laws of
said order or by the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows;
5. Any lodges or other bodies of the Knights of Pythias duly chartered
by and installed according to the general rules and regulations of the
grand lodge of Knights of Pythias of the State of New York;
6. Any post of the Grand Army of the Republic chartered and installed
according to the regulations of that organization;
7. Any lodges or other bodies of the Benevolent and Protective Order
of Elks duly chartered by and installed according to the regulations of
that organization;
8. Any lodges or other bodies of the Deutcher Orden der Harugari, duly
chartered and installed according to the general rules and regulations
of the grand lodges of the Deutcher Orden der Harugari of the state of
New York, or of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Deutcher Orden der
Harugari of the United States;
9. Any councils or other bodies of the Knights of Columbus chartered
and instituted by the National Council of the Knights of Columbus
pursuant to the charter, constitution and laws of said order;
10. Any tribes or other bodies of the Improved Order of Red Men
chartered and instituted according to the constitution, general rules
and regulations of the Improved Order of Red Men of the State of New
11. Any councils of the Degree of Pocahontas of the state of New York;
12. Any councils of the Degree of Pocahontas of the Improved Order of
Red Men, duly chartered and instituted according to the rules and
regulations of The Great Council of New York State, Degree of Pocahontas
of the Improved Order of Red Men;
13. The State Camp of New York of The Patriotic Order Sons of America
and any subordinate camps of the Patriotic Order Sons of America duly
chartered and instituted according to the rules and regulations of the
State Camp of New York of the Patriotic Order Sons of America;
14. Any commanderies of the Knights of Malta, chartered by and
instituted according to the general rules and regulations of the Supreme
Grand Commandery of the Ancient and Illustrious Order of Knights of
15. Any sisterhoods of the Dames of Malta, Ladies of the Order of
Saint John, Ancient and Illustrious Order, Knights of Malta, Continent
of America, chartered by and instituted according to the general rules
and regulations of the Zenodacia of the Dames of Malta;
16. Any number of posts of the American Legion chartered and installed
according to the regulations of that organization;
16-a. Any number of posts of Jewish War Veterans of the United States,
Inc., chartered and installed according to the regulations of that
16-b. Any number of posts of Catholic War Veterans, Inc., chartered
and installed according to the regulations of that organization;
16-c. Any number of garrisons of the Army and Navy Union of the United
States of America, chartered and installed according to the regulations
of that organization;
16-d. Any member of posts or councils of the Veterans of National
Guard and Naval Militia, chartered and instituted according to the
general rules and regulations of that organization:
16-e. Any number of posts of the Masonic War Veterans of the State of
New York, Incorporated, chartered and installed according to the
regulations of that organization;
16-f. Any number of posts of Italian American War Veterans of the
United States, Incorporated, chartered and installed according to the
regulations of that organization.
16-g. Any number of units of the American Legion Auxiliary and Le
Boutique des Huit Chapeaux et Quarante Femmes, chartered and installed
according to the regulations of those organizations;
16-h. Any number of units of Ladies' Auxiliary, Italian American War
Veterans of the United States, Incorporated, chartered and installed
according to the regulations of that organization.
16-i. Any number of charters of the Vietnam Veterans of America,
chartered and installed according to the regulations of that
17. Any number of trades unions, trades assemblies, trades
associations or labor organizations;
18. Any number of subordinate lodges, tribes or other bodies of any
benevolent or fraternal order or society incorporated under and pursuant
to the laws of this state;
18-a. Any subordinate lodge of the Grand Lodge of the State of New
York, Order Sons of Italy in America, Incorporated, duly chartered by
and installed according to the general rules and regulations of the
Grand Lodge of the State of New York, Order Sons of Italy in America,
18-b. Any number of units of Ladies' Lodges, Grand Lodge of the State
of New York, Order Sons of Italy in America, Incorporated, duly
chartered and installed according to the regulations of that
19. Any subordinate lodges within the state, chartered by and
installed according to the general rules and regulations of the United
States Grand Lodge, Independent Order Brith Abraham of the United States
of America;
19-a. Any number of chapters of the order of the American Hellenic
Educational Progressive Association, Incorporated, duly chartered and
installed according to the constitution and laws of the supreme lodge of
said order.
19-b. Any member of posts or units of the Department of New York,
Polish Legion of American Veterans, or any subordinate post thereof,
which is duly chartered and instituted in accordance with the
constitution and by-laws of the Polish Legion of American Veterans, U.
S. A. , and the Ladies Auxiliary, Department of New York, Polish Legion
of American Veterans or any subordinate chapter thereof, which is duly
chartered and installed according to the regulations of the Polish
Legion of American Veterans.
19-c. Any number of clans of the United Scottish Clans of New York and
New Jersey, duly chartered and installed according to the regulations of
that organization;
20. A subordinate of the King of Tyre Affiliation A.F. and A.M. of the
State of New York.
21. Any of the benevolent or fraternal orders or societies, or their
subordinate bodies, enumerated in this section;
22. The International Veterans Boxers Association.
May unite in forming a corporation, providing they do not hold
membership in a similar organization, for the purpose of acquiring,
constructing, maintaining and managing a hall, temple or other building,
or a home for the aged and indigent members of such order and their
dependent surviving spouses and orphans, of acquiring, constructing,
maintaining and managing an asylum, home or school for the free
education of the orphans and children of the worthy, aged and indigent
members of the bodies so uniting and of creating, collecting and
maintaining a library for the use of the bodies uniting to form such
corporation, or for any of such purposes, but the membership of any such
lodge, chapter, commandery, consistory, council, temple, grotto, post,
tent, nest, camp, encampment, or canton will be dependent upon its
continued allegiance to the governing body by whom it was chartered,
installed, and under whose general rules and regulations it exists, and
such governing body, if its consent to such incorporation is necessary,
and it is a domestic corporation, shall have the right of visitation to
such home, asylum or school for the aged and indigent members of such
order or society, and their dependent surviving spouses and orphans, for
the purpose of controlling and arresting abuses, and to enforce a due
observance of the general laws, rules and regulations of such order or
society, governing its care, control and maintenance of aged and
indigent members, their dependent surviving spouses and orphans, in so
far as the same shall not be contrary to any law or statute.
Each body hereafter uniting to form such corporation shall at a
regular meeting thereof, held in accordance with its constitution and
general rules and regulations or by-laws, elect one or more members
thereof for a term of either one, two or three years, as the rules,
regulations and by-laws of the body may prescribe, to represent it in
such corporation. If the bodies uniting to form such corporation, do
not exceed thirty in number, then each representative so elected shall
be a trustee of said corporation, and shall make and file in the office
of the clerk of the county where such building is, or is to be located,
a certificate of such election signed and acknowledged by the highest
two officers of the body electing him, stating the time and place of the
election, its regularity, the name of the trustee, and the name of the
body from which he was elected. If the bodies uniting to form such
corporation shall exceed thirty in number then the representatives
elected as hereinbefore provided, shall assemble annually at a time and
place fixed by the constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations of the
corporation, and shall elect from amongst themselves a president,
vice-president, secretary and treasurer, each of whom shall be
ex-officio trustees of the corporation, and not less than nine nor more
than twenty-four other trustees. Each of the bodies uniting to form such
corporation shall elect not more than three representatives, who shall
be elected in the manner above prescribed and whose certificate of
election shall be made and filed in the manner and form above
prescribed. The trustees so elected shall make, acknowledge and file
with the secretary of state a certificate stating the name of the
corporation to be formed, and indorsed thereon the written consent of
the grand body to which it is subordinate, if so required by the general
rules and regulations of such superior body, its purposes and objects,
the names and places of residence of the trustees, the names of the
bodies which they respectively represent, the names of the bodies
uniting to form the corporation and their location, and the name of the
town, village or city and the county where such building is, or is to be
located; and there upon the several bodies so uniting shall be a
corporation for the purposes specified in such certificate.