ยง 2. Organization. Either of the following orders:
1. A lodge of Free and Accepted Masons duly chartered by and installed
according to the general rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge of
Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York;
2. A chapter of Royal Arch Masons duly chartered by and installed
according to the general rules and regulations of the Grand Chapter of
Royal Arch Masons of the state of New York;
3. A council of Royal and Select Masons duly chartered by and
installed according to the general rules and regulations of the Grand
Council of Royal and Select Masters of the state of New York;
4. A commandery of Knights Templar duly chartered by and instituted
according to the general rules and regulations of the Grand Commandery
of the state of New York;
5. A consistory, chapter, council or lodge duly chartered by and
instituted according to the general rules and regulations of the Supreme
Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Northern
jurisdiction of the United States;
6. A lodge of Odd Fellows, duly chartered by and installed according
to the general rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge of the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the state of New York;
7. A Temple of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine duly chartered by and
instituted according to the general rules and regulations of the
Imperial Council of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine for North America;
8. A lodge of the Knights of Pythias, duly chartered by and installed
according to the general rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge of the
Knights of Pythias of the state of New York;
9. A post of the Grand Army of the Republic, chartered and installed
according to the regulations of that organization;
10. Any lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks duly
chartered by and installed according to the regulations of that
11. Any subordinate lodge, tribe or other body of any benevolent or
fraternal order or society incorporated under and pursuant to the laws
of this state;
12. A council of the Knights of Columbus chartered and instituted by
the National Council of the Knights of Columbus, pursuant to the
constitution and laws of said order;
13. Any high court, subordinate court, or companion court of the
Independent Order of Foresters chartered and instituted by the Supreme
Court of the Independent Order of Foresters pursuant to the constitution
and laws of said order;
14. A tribe of the Improved Order of Red Men, duly chartered by and
instituted according to the general rules and regulations of the Great
Council of the Improved Order of Red Men of the state of New York;
15. The Supreme Council of the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the
Enchanted Realm, or a subordinate grotto duly chartered by and
instituted according to the general rules and regulations of said
supreme council;
16. Any subordinate lodge of the Order of American True Ivorites
chartered and instituted in accordance with the regulations of the Grand
lodge of the Order of American True Ivorites;
17. Any subordinate aerie of the Fraternal Order of Eagles chartered
and instituted in accordance with the regulations of the grand aerie of
the Fraternal Order of Eagles;
18. Any subordinate council of the Junior Order of United American
Mechanics under the jurisdiction of the national council of such order.
19. Any local camp of the Modern Woodmen of America chartered and
instituted in accordance with the regulations of the head camp of the
Modern Woodmen of America.
20. The Supreme or Cosmopolitan Council of the Brotherhood of the
21. A tent of the Knights of the Maccabees of the World, duly
chartered and instituted according to the general rules and regulations
of the supreme tent of the Knights of the Maccabees of the World:
22. Any subordinate lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose, duly chartered
and instituted in accordance with the constitution and laws of the
supreme lodge of the world, Loyal Order of Moose.
23. The Catholic Daughters of America, or any subordinate court
thereof, which is duly chartered and instituted in accordance with the
constitution and laws of said Catholic Daughters of America.
24. The Home Nest or any subordinate nest of the Order of Owls duly
chartered by and instituted according to the general rules and
regulations of the Home Nest of the Order of Owls;
25. An encampment of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, duly
chartered by and installed according to the general rules and
regulations of the grand encampment of the Independent Order of Odd
26. A canton of patriarchs militant, duly chartered by and installed
according to the general rules and regulations of the sovereign grand
lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows;
27. A commandery of the Knights of Malta, chartered by and instituted
according to the general rules and regulations of the Supreme Grand
Commandery of the Ancient and Illustrious Order of Knights of Malta;
28. A sisterhood of the Dames of Malta, Ladies of the Order of Saint
John, Ancient and Illustrious Order, Knights of Malta, Continent of
America, chartered by and instituted according to the general rules and
regulations of the Zenodacia of the Dames of Malta;
29. A council of the Degree of Pocahontas of the Improved Order of Red
Men, duly chartered by and instituted according to the general rules and
regulations of The Great Council of New York State, Degree of Pocahontas
of the Improved Order of Red Men.
30. A chapter of American Legion, chartered and installed according to
the regulations of that organization. A post, county committee, or
department organization of the American Legion, duly chartered according
to the regulations of that organization.
30-a. A unit, county committee or department organization of the
American Legion Auxiliary, duly chartered according to the regulations
of that organization.
30-b. A county or department organization of Le Boutique des Huit
Chapeaux et Quarante Femmes, duly chartered according to the regulations
of that organization.
31. The State Camp of New York of the Patriotic Order Sons of America,
or any subordinate camp thereof duly chartered by and instituted
according to the rules and regulations of such State Camp.
32. A chapter of the order of the Eastern Star duly chartered by and
instituted according to the general rules and regulations of the Grand
Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star of the State of New York.
33. Any subordinate lodge of the Independent Order Brith Abraham of
the United States of America, chartered by and installed according to
the general rules and regulations of the United States Grand Lodge,
Independent Order Brith Abraham.
34. A department or county La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit
Chevaux, chartered and installed according to the regulations of the
American Legion.
35. A court of the order of the Amaranth duly chartered by and
instituted according to the general rules and regulations of the Grand
Court of the Order of the Amaranth of the State of New York.
36. Order of the Alhambra.
37. A post or detachment of the marine corps league.
37. Ancient Order of Hibernians.
38. A post of Jewish War Veterans of the United States, Inc.
38-a. A post of Catholic War Veterans, Inc.
38-b. A post or counties council of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of
the United States, Incorporated.
39. A chapter of the Army and Navy Union of the United States of
America, chartered and installed according to the regulations of that
organization; a garrison, county or district council or department
organization of the Army and Navy Union of the United States of America,
duly chartered according to the regulations of that organization.
40. A post, county, committee or department organization of the
Regular Veterans' Association, duly chartered and installed according to
the regulations of that organization.
41. A chapter, county, committee or department organization of the
Disabled American Veterans, duly chartered and installed according to
the regulations of that organization.
42. Veterans of National Guard and Naval Militia, or any subordinate
post or council, which is duly chartered and instituted according to the
general rules and regulations of the Veterans of National Guard and
Naval Militia.
43. A post, county, district or departmental organization of AMVETS
(American Veterans of World War II), duly chartered and installed
according to the regulations of that organization.
44. A post, county district or department organization of the Air
Force Association, duly chartered and installed, according to the
regulations of that organization.
45. A post, county, district or departmental organization of Italian
American War Veterans of the United States, Incorporated, duly chartered
and installed according to the regulations of that organization.
45-a. A post, county, district or departmental organization of Ladies'
Auxiliary, Italian American War Veterans of the United States,
Incorporated, duly chartered and installed according to the regulations
of that organization.
46. A lodge of the Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of
the World duly chartered by and installed according to the regulations
of that organization.
47. The Masonic War Veterans of the State of New York, Incorporated,
or any subordinate post thereof which is duly chartered and installed
according to the general rules and regulations of that organization.
48. A lodge of Free and Accepted Masons duly chartered by and
installed according to the general rules and regulations of the Prince
Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York.
49. A temple of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, duly chartered by and
installed according to the general rules and regulations of the Imperial
Council of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine of
North and South America and its Jurisdictions, Inc.
50. A Forest duly chartered by and installed according to the general
rules and regulations of the Supreme Forest, Tall Cedars of Lebanon, of
the United States of America.
51. Grand Lodge of the State of New York, Order Sons of Italy in
America, Incorporated, and any subordinate lodge of the Grand Lodge of
the State of New York, Order Sons of Italy in America, duly chartered by
and installed according to the general rules and regulations of the
Grand Lodge of the State of New York, Order Sons of Italy in America,
51-a. A post, county, district or departmental organization of Ladies'
Lodges, Grand Lodge of the State of New York, Order Sons of Italy in
America, Incorporated, duly chartered and installed according to the
regulations of that organization.
52. A chapter of the order of the American Hellenic Educational
Progressive Association, Incorporated, duly chartered and installed
according to the constitution and laws of the supreme lodge of said
53. The Department of New York, Polish Legion of American Veterans, or
any subordinate post thereof, which is duly chartered and instituted in
accordance with the constitution and by-laws of the Polish Legion of
American Veterans, U. S. A. , and the Ladies Auxiliary, Department of
New York, Polish Legion of American Veterans or any subordinate chapter
thereof, which is duly chartered and installed according to the
regulations of the Polish Legion of American Veterans.
54. Blinded Veterans Association New York, Inc.
55. A clan of the United Scottish Clans of New York and New Jersey
duly chartered and installed according to the regulations of that
56. A subordinate of the King of Tyre Affiliation A.F. and A.M. of the
State of New York.
57. The International Veterans Boxers Association.
58. St. Paul's Conclave No. 12, Red Cross of Constantine of New York
59. The Vietnam Veterans of America, or any subordinate chapter
thereof, which is duly chartered by and instituted according to the
constitution and laws of that organization.
May elect at any regular communication, convocation, encampment or
other regular meeting thereof, by whatever name known, held in
accordance with the constitution and general rules and regulations of
such grand lodge, chapter, commandery or council, or other governing
body to which it belongs, or with which it is connected, and in
conformity to its own by-laws, if it has any, not less than three nor
more than five trustees or an executive committee of not more than five
members for such lodge, chapter, commandery, consistory, council,
temple, post, court, tribe, grotto, aerie, camp, tent, nest, encampment
or canton, or Degree of Pocahontas council, who shall be members thereof
in full membership and in good and regular standing therein; and may
file in the office of the secretary of state, a certificate of such
election, signed and acknowledged by the first three elective officers
of such lodge, chapter, commandery, consistory, council, temple, post,
court, tribe, grotto, aerie, camp, tent, nest, encampment or canton, or
Degree of Pocahontas council, stating the time and place of such
election and that same was regular, the names of such trustees or
executive committee, and the term, severally, for which they are elected
to serve, and the name of the lodge, chapter, commandery, consistory,
council, temple, post, court, tribe, grotto, aerie, camp, tent, nest,
encampment or canton, or Degree of Pocahontas council, for which they
are elected.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, any such
order may determine, at any regular communication, convocation,
encampment or other regular meeting thereof, by whatever name known,
held in accordance with the constitution and general regulations of the
grand lodge, chapter, commandery, council or other governing body to
which it belongs or with which it is connected, and is in conformity
with its own by-laws, if there be any, to increase or decrease the
number of trustees or executive committee members elected under the
provisions of this section; provided, that the number of such trustees
or members shall in no event be less than three; and provided, that the
foregoing provisions of this section shall, to the extent not
inconsistent with this paragraph, be applicable to any order making the
determination authorized by this paragraph.