ยง 11. Reincorporation of joint corporations. A corporation heretofore
organized, the members whereof represent lodges or bodies in any of the
benevolent or fraternal orders mentioned or described in section seven
hereof, may by a two-thirds vote of all its members present and voting
at a regular or regularly called meeting thereof, proceed to
reincorporate under this chapter with the same name and for the same
purposes for which it was originally organized. In thus proceeding to
reincorporate, the board of trustees or directors may be increased or
diminished within the limits prescribed by section seven hereof, but any
decrease in such membership shall not take effect so as to affect the
term of office of any trustee or director of the old corporation. Such
trustees or directors and the other officers of the old corporation
shall continue to serve as such under the reorganized corporation for
the term for which they were originally elected or appointed. Such
reorganization shall not effect a dissolution of the corporation, but
shall be deemed a continuation of its corporate existence without
affecting its property rights, or its liabilities, or the liabilities of
its members or officers as such; but thereafter it shall have only such
other rights, powers and privileges and be subject only to such other
duties and liabilities as a corporation created for the same purpose
under this chapter.