New York Laws
Sub Part 4 - Other Awards
679-G - New York State Get on Your Feet Loan Forgiveness Program.

ยง 679-g. New York state get on your feet loan forgiveness program. 1.
Purpose. The president shall grant student loan forgiveness awards for
the purpose of alleviating the burden of federal student loan debt for
recent New York state college graduates.

2. Eligibility. To be eligible for an award pursuant to this section,
an applicant shall: (a) have graduated from a high school located in New
York state or attended an approved New York state program for a state
high school equivalency diploma and received such high school
equivalency diploma; (b) have graduated and obtained an undergraduate
degree from a college or university with its headquarters located in New
York state in or after the two thousand fourteen--fifteen academic year;
(c) apply for this program within two years of obtaining such degree;
(d) be a participant in a federal income-driven repayment plan whose
payment amount is generally ten percent of discretionary income; (e)
have income of less than fifty thousand dollars; (f) comply with
subdivisions three and five of section six hundred sixty-one of this
part; and (g) work in New York state, if employed. For purposes of this
program, "income" shall be the total adjusted gross income of the
applicant and the applicant's spouse, if applicable.

3. Awards. An applicant whose annual income is less than fifty
thousand dollars shall be eligible to receive an award equal to one
hundred percent of his or her monthly federal income-driven repayment
plan payments for twenty-four months of repayment under the federal
program. Provided, however, that the awards granted under this section
shall be deferred for a recipient who has been granted a deferment or
forbearance under the federal income-driven repayment plan. Upon
completion of such deferment or forbearance period, such recipient shall
be eligible to receive an award for the remaining time period under this
subdivision. A recipient who is not a resident of New York state at the
time any payment is made under this program shall be required to refund
such payments to the state. The corporation shall be authorized to
recover such payments in accordance with rules and regulations
promulgated by the corporation. A student who is delinquent or in
default on a student loan made under any statutory New York state or
federal education loan program or has failed to comply with the terms of
a service condition imposed by an award made pursuant to this article or
has failed to repay an award shall be ineligible to receive an award
under this program until such delinquency, default or failure is cured.

4. Rules and regulations. The corporation is authorized to promulgate
rules and regulations, and may promulgate emergency regulations
necessary for the implementation of the provisions of this section.