New York Laws
Sub Part 4 - Other Awards
679-A - New York State Licensed Social Worker Loan Forgiveness Program.

(a) First priority shall be given to applicants who have received
payment of an award pursuant to this section in a prior year and who, in
the year prior to application, have provided social work services in (i)
a critical human service area, or (ii) a previously designated critical
human service area;
(b) Second priority shall be given to applicants who have not received
payment of an award pursuant to this section in a prior year and who
have provided social work services in a critical human service area in
the year prior to such application; and
(c) Third priority shall be given to applicants who are economically
disadvantaged as defined by the corporation.
4. Awards. The corporation shall grant awards in the value of six
thousand five hundred dollars to individuals who have provided full-time
social work services in a critical human service area in the year prior
to such application, provided that no recipient shall receive an award
that exceeds the total remaining balance of the student loan debt and
that no recipient shall receive cumulative awards, pursuant to this
section, in excess of twenty-six thousand dollars. Awards shall be
within the amounts appropriated for such purpose and based on
availability of funds.
5. Rules and regulations. The corporation is authorized to promulgate
rules and regulations necessary for the implementation of the provisions
of this section. In the event that there are more applicants who have
the same priority, as provided in subdivision three of this section,
than there are remaining awards, the corporation shall provide in
regulation the method of distributing the remaining number of such
awards, which may include a lottery or other form of random selection.