New York Laws
Sub Part 4 - Other Awards
679-B - Primary Care Practitioner Scholarship Program.

ยง 679-b. Primary care practitioner scholarship program. 1.
Certification. Primary care practitioner scholarships may be awarded
annually, subject to the availability of funds therefor. Such awards
shall be allocated pursuant to section nine hundred four of the public
health law, to eligible students certified to the president by the
commissioner of health.

2. Duration. Each scholarship shall entitle the recipient to an annual
award and a recipient shall be eligible for no more than the equivalent
of two academic years based on full-time study.

3. Calculation of award amounts. The president shall make annual
awards of up to fifteen thousand dollars, but in no event shall the
award exceed cost of attendance at the institution. Cost of attendance
shall mean tuition, required fees, books, transportation, room and

4. Award disbursement. Annual award disbursements shall be the
responsibility of the president.