New York Laws
Article 65 - Notice of Pendency
6516 - Successive Notices of Pendency.

(b) For the purposes of this article, the term "foreclosure action"
shall mean any action or proceeding in which the provisions of section
thirteen hundred thirty-one of the real property actions and proceedings
law are applicable or in which a similar requirement is imposed by law.
(c) Except as provided in subdivision (a) of this section, a notice of
pendency may not be filed in any action in which a previously filed
notice of pendency affecting the same property had been cancelled or
vacated or had expired or become ineffective.
(d) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as making the
requirements of section thirteen hundred thirty-one of the real property
actions and proceedings law applicable to a proceeding to foreclose a
tax lien in which a list of delinquent taxes has been filed pursuant to
subdivision seven of section eleven hundred twenty-two of the real
property tax law or any comparable law, or as precluding the filing of a
successive list of delinquent taxes in such a proceeding.