New York Laws
Article 10-B - City of Yonkers Educational Construction Fund
493 - Annual Report of Trustees.

ยง 493. Annual report of trustees. The trustees of the fund shall
submit to the mayor, the board of education and the city council of the
city of Yonkers annually on or before February first, a full report of
its activities and operations through the thirtieth day of the preceding
September, including: (1) details as to projects in planning, projects
in the process of construction, acquisition, reconstruction,
rehabilitation or improvement, and projects completed; (2) the
performance record of the trustees in completing construction in
accordance with the desired completion dates and within the estimated
costs; (3) the architects, engineers and other private consultants
engaged by the trustees of the fund on a contract basis and a statement
of the total amount paid and yet to be paid, or estimated yet to be
paid, under each such contract; (4) the monies made available for the
purposes of the fund; (5) details as to any lease, sublease or agreement
executed by the trustees of the fund and the annual rentals to be paid
or received on account thereof; (6) its assets and liabilities at the
end of the fiscal year, including the status of reserve funds and other
funds and accounts; (7) a schedule of its bonds and notes outstanding at
the end of its fiscal year, together with the amounts redeemed and
incurred during such fiscal year, and such other information related to
the activities and operation of the fund as the trustees may consider