New York Laws
Article 10-B - City of Yonkers Educational Construction Fund
479 - Relationship With the Board of Education of the City of Yonkers.

ยง 479. Relationship with the board of education of the city of
Yonkers. In order most effectively to carry out its corporate
purposes, the fund shall cooperate with the commissioner of finance and
the board of education of the city of Yonkers in matters relating to
land acquisition and capital planning for school buildings and
facilities. During the course of construction, reconstruction,
rehabilitation and improvement of combined occupancy structures the fund
shall consult with personnel of such board as the work progresses in
matters relating to space requirements, site plans, architectural
concept, and substantial changes in the plans and specifications there-
for, and in matters relating to the original furnishings, equipment,
machinery and apparatus needed to furnish and equip the school portion
of such buildings and structures, upon the completion of work. The
board, on its part, shall perform such functions and services for the
fund as may be requested and the fund shall pay to the board, from any
monies of the fund available for such purpose, the reasonable cost of
such functions and services.