New York Laws
Article 10-B - City of Yonkers Educational Construction Fund
481 - Plans and Specifications.

(b) The board of education shall also review and approve the
architectural concept, including an outline of the plans and
specifications therefor, of the non-school portion of any combined
occupancy structure to be erected, repaired, enlarged or remodeled in
accordance with the provisions of any lease or other agreement between
the fund and any developer.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law applicable to the city
school district of the city of Yonkers or the board of education of the
city of Yonkers, such district and such board shall only be required to
submit an outline of the plans and specifications for a combined
occupancy structure, and for the school portion thereof, to the
commissioner of education for his information.
3. Every contract, lease or other agreement executed by or on behalf
of the fund which makes provision for the construction, acquisition,
reconstruction, rehabilitation or improvement of the school portion of
any combined occupancy structure shall include a provision that the
architect who designed the facility, or an architect or engineer
retained specifically for the purpose of supervision, shall supervise
the work to be performed through to completion and shall see to it that
the materials furnished are in accordance with the drawings, plans,
specifications and contractual provisions therefor.