(a) Notwithstanding any limitations contained in section five hundred
fifty of this chapter, the assessors of the appropriate assessing unit
shall enter on the taxable portion of the assessment roll of the current
year the assessed valuation or valuations of the structures or buildings
on which exemption was granted in any prior year or years at the
assessed valuation or valuations as set forth on the exempt portion of
the assessment roll or rolls.
(b) The amount of roll-back taxes shall be computed by the appropriate
tax levying body by applying the applicable tax rate for each such prior
year to the assessed valuation, as set forth on the exempt portion of
the assessment roll, for such structures or buildings for each such
prior year during such period of exemption.
(c) Such roll-back taxes shall be levied and collected in the same
manner and at the same time as other taxes are imposed and levied on
such roll.
8. As used in this section, the term "agricultural and horticultural"
shall include the activity of raising, breeding and boarding of
livestock, including commercial horse boarding operations.
Structure New York Laws
420-A - Nonprofit Organizations; Mandatory Class.
420-B - Nonprofit Organizations; Permissive Class.
421-A - Affordable New York Housing Program.
421-C - Exemption of Certain New Multiple Dwellings From Local Taxation.
421-E - Exemption of Cooperative, Condominium, Homesteading and Rental Projects From Local Taxation.
421-F - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Residential Buildings and Certain New Construction.
421-G - Exemption From Local Taxation of Certain Multiple Dwellings.
421-H - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Multiple Dwelling Buildings Within Certain Cities.
421-H*2 - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Residential Buildings.
421-I - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Multiple Dwelling Buildings Within Certain Cities.
421-I*2 - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Multiple Dwelling Buildings Within Certain Cities.
421-J - Exemption of Capital Investment in Multiple Dwelling Buildings Within Certain Cities.
421-J*2 - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Multiple Dwelling Buildings Within Certain Cities.
421-K - Exemption of Certain Multiple Dwellings.
421-L - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Residential Buildings in Certain Towns.
421-N - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Multiple Dwelling Buildings Within Certain Cities.
421-O - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Multiple Dwelling Buildings Within Certain Cities.
421-O*2 - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Multiple Dwelling Buildings Within Certain Cities.
422 - Not-for-Profit Housing Companies.
424 - Institute of Arts and Sciences.
425 - School Tax Relief (Star) Exemption.
425-A - Abatement of County Taxes in Special Assessing Units.
427 - Performing Arts Buildings.
428 - Fraternal Organizations; Entire Net Income for Education and Relief of Members.
429 - Real Property Used for Professional Major League Sports.
430 - Interdenominational Centers.
432 - Theatrical Corporations Created by Act of Congress.
436 - Officers of Religious Denominations.
438 - Trustees of a Hospital, Playground and Library; Hospital for Benefit of a City.
442 - Soldiers Monument Corporations.
457 - Exemption for First-Time Homebuyers of Newly Constructed Homes.
458-A - Veterans; Alternative Exemption.
458-B - Exemption for Cold War Veterans.
459 - Persons Who Are Physically Disabled.
459-A - Improvements to Property Made Pursuant to the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990.
459-B - Physically Disabled Crime Victims.
459-C - Persons With Disabilities and Limited Incomes.
462 - Religious Corporations; Property Used for Residential Purposes.
464 - Incorporated Associations of Volunteer Firefighters.
466 - Volunteer Firefighters and Fire Companies in Villages.
466-A - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain Counties.
466-A*2 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers.
466-B - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain Additional Counties.
466-C - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-C*2 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain Counties.
466-C*3 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-C*4 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-C*5 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Exemption.
466-C*6 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain Counties.
466-C*7 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-D - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-D*2 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-D*3 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers.
466-D*4 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain Counties.
466-E - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-E*2 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-E*3 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-E*4 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-F - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-F*2 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-F*3 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain Counties.
466-F*4 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-G - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-G*2 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-H - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-H*2 - Un-Remarried Spouses of Deceased Volunteer Firefighters or Volunteer Ambulance Workers.
466-I - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain Counties.
466-J - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-K - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
467 - Persons Sixty-Five Years of Age or Over.
467-F - Protective and Safety Devices Tax Abatement.
467-I - Real Property Tax Abatement.
467-J - Exemption for Certain Residential Properties Located in Certain Counties.
467-K - Senior Citizen Longtime Resident Exemption.
467-L - Rebate for Owners of Certain Real Property in the City of New York.
468 - Fire Patrol and Salvage Corps.
469 - Assessment Exemption for Living Quarters for Parent or Grandparent.
472 - Pharmaceutical Societies.
476-A - Railroad Passenger Stations.
477 - Tax Exemption for Industrial Waste Treatment Facilities.
477-A - Tax Exemption for Air Pollution Control Facilities.
478 - Tax Exemption for Off-Street Parking Facilities Providing Underground Shelters.
479 - Fallout Shelter Facilities.
480 - Forest and Reforested Lands.
480-A - Taxation of Forest Land.
481 - Taxation of Land Used for Agricultural Production.
483-C - Temporary Greenhouses.
483-D - Farm or Food Processing Labor Camps or Commissaries.
483-E - Anaerobic Digestion Facilities.
484 - Urban Redevelopment Corporations and Companies.
485 - Nuclear Powered Electric Generating Facilities.
485-A - Residential-Commerical Urban Exemption Program.
485-B - Business Investment Exemption.
485-D - Water-Works Corporations.
485-E - Empire Zone Exemption.
485-F - Banking Development Districts.
485-G - Infrastructure Exemption.
485-H - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-I - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain School Districts.
485-I*2 - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-J - Residential Property Improvement Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-J*2 - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-J*3 - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain Cities and School Districts.
485-J*4 - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-J*5 - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-K - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain School Districts.
485-L - Residential Property Improvement; Certain Towns.
485-L*2 - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain School Districts.
485-M - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain School Districts.
485-N - Residential-Commercial Exemption Program.
485-O - New Residential Property Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-P - Economic Transformation Area Exemption.
485-Q - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-R - Residential Redevelopment Inhibited Property Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-S - Residential Reassessment Exemption.
485-S*2 - Residential Reassessment Exemption.
485-S*3 - Mixed Use Exemption Program for Villages.
485-T - Owner Occupied Residential Property Exemption Program.
485-U - Class One Reassessment Exemption.
485-V - Residential Revaluation Exemption.
485-V*2 - Residential and Mixed-Use Investment Exemption; Certain Cities and School Districts.
485-W - Newly Constructed Single-Family and Multi-Family Residential Exemption; Certain Villages.
486 - Non-Profit Medical and Dental Indemnity, or Hospital Service Corporations.
486-A - Non-Profit Corporations Operating as Health Maintenance Organizations.
487 - Exemption From Taxation for Certain Energy Systems.
487-A - Exemption From Taxation of Conservation Improvements to Certain Residential Premises.