ยง 4406-h. Health care facility applications. 1. A health care plan
shall, upon request, make available and disclose to facilities written
application procedures and minimum qualification requirements that a
facility must meet in order to be considered by the health care plan for
participation in the in-network benefits portion of the health care
plan's network. The health care plan shall consult with appropriately
qualified facilities in developing its qualification requirements. A
health care plan shall complete review of the facility's application to
participate in the in-network portion of the health care plan's network
and shall, within sixty days of receiving a facility's completed
application to participate in the health care plan's network, notify the
facility as to: (a) whether the facility is credentialed; or (b) whether
additional time is necessary to make a determination because of a
failure of a third party to provide necessary documentation. In such
instances where additional time is necessary because of a lack of
necessary documentation, a health care plan shall make every effort to
obtain such information as soon as possible and shall make a final
determination within twenty-one days of receiving the necessary
2. For the purposes of this section, "facility" shall mean a health
care provider entity or organization that is licensed or certified
pursuant to article five, twenty-eight, thirty-six, forty, forty-four,
or forty-seven of this chapter or article sixteen, nineteen, thirty-one,
thirty-two, or thirty-six of the mental hygiene law.
Structure New York Laws
Article 44 - Health Maintenance Organizations
4400 - Statement of Policy and Purposes.
4402 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Application for Certificate of Authority.
4403 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Issuance of Certificate of Authority.
4403-A - Special Purpose Certificate of Authority.
4403-B - Development of Comprehensive Health Services Plans.
4403-C - Comprehensive HIV Special Needs Plan Certification.
4403-D - Special Needs Managed Care Plans.
4403-E - Primary Care Partial Capitation Providers; Partial Capitation Certificate of Authority.
4403-F - Managed Long Term Care Plans.
4403-G - Developmental Disabilty Individual Support and Care Coordination Organizations.
4404 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Continuance of Certificate of Authority.
4405 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Powers.
4405-A - Immunizations Against Poliomyelitis, Mumps, Measles, Diphtheria and Rubella.
4406 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Regulation of Contracts.
4406-A - Arbitration Provisions of Health Maintenance Organization Contracts.
4406-B - Primary and Preventive Obstetric and Gynecologic Care.
4406-D - Health Care Professional Applications and Terminations.
4406-E - Access to End of Life Care.
4406-F - Maternal Depression Screenings.
4406-G - Telehealth Delivery of Services.
4406-H - Health Care Facility Applications.
4406-I - Utilization Review Determinations for Medically Fragile Children.
4407 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Employer Requirements.
4408 - Disclosure of Information.
4408-A - Integrated Delivery Systems.
4408-A*2 - Grievance Procedure.
4409 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Examinations.
4410 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Professional Services.
4414 - Health Care Compliance Programs.
4416 - Excess Reserves of Certain Health Maintenance Organizations.