New York Laws
Article 44 - Health Maintenance Organizations
4405-A - Immunizations Against Poliomyelitis, Mumps, Measles, Diphtheria and Rubella.

ยง 4405-a. Immunizations against poliomyelitis, mumps, measles,
diphtheria and rubella. 1. It shall be the duty of the administrative
officer or other person in charge of each health maintenance
organization, as defined in this article, to inquire of each person in
its care under the age of eighteen, or of a person in parental relation
to such person, whether all necessary immunizations have been received
for poliomyelitis, mumps, measles, diphtheria and rubella and, if not,
to make available such immunizations and a certificate or certificates
of such immunizations.

2. This section shall not apply to children whose parent, parents, or
guardian are bona fide members of a recognized religious organization
whose teachings are contrary to the practices herein required.

3. If any physician licensed to practice medicine in this state
certifies that any such immunization may be detrimental to a child's
health, the requirements of this section shall be inapplicable until
such immunization is found no longer to be detrimental to the child's

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

PBH - Public Health

Article 44 - Health Maintenance Organizations

4400 - Statement of Policy and Purposes.

4401 - Definitions.

4402 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Application for Certificate of Authority.

4403 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Issuance of Certificate of Authority.

4403-A - Special Purpose Certificate of Authority.

4403-B - Development of Comprehensive Health Services Plans.

4403-C - Comprehensive HIV Special Needs Plan Certification.

4403-D - Special Needs Managed Care Plans.

4403-E - Primary Care Partial Capitation Providers; Partial Capitation Certificate of Authority.

4403-F - Managed Long Term Care Plans.

4403-G - Developmental Disabilty Individual Support and Care Coordination Organizations.

4404 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Continuance of Certificate of Authority.

4405 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Powers.

4405-A - Immunizations Against Poliomyelitis, Mumps, Measles, Diphtheria and Rubella.

4405-B - Duty to Report.

4406 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Regulation of Contracts.

4406-A - Arbitration Provisions of Health Maintenance Organization Contracts.

4406-B - Primary and Preventive Obstetric and Gynecologic Care.

4406-C - Prohibitions.

4406-D - Health Care Professional Applications and Terminations.

4406-E - Access to End of Life Care.

4406-F - Maternal Depression Screenings.

4406-G - Telehealth Delivery of Services.

4406-H - Health Care Facility Applications.

4406-I - Utilization Review Determinations for Medically Fragile Children.

4407 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Employer Requirements.

4408 - Disclosure of Information.

4408-A - Integrated Delivery Systems.

4408-A*2 - Grievance Procedure.

4409 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Examinations.

4410 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Professional Services.

4411 - Construction.

4412 - Separability.

4413 - Savings Clause.

4414 - Health Care Compliance Programs.

4416 - Excess Reserves of Certain Health Maintenance Organizations.