New York Laws
Article 44 - Health Maintenance Organizations
4400 - Statement of Policy and Purposes.

ยง 4400. Statement of policy and purposes. Encouraging the expansion of
health care services options available to the citizens of the state is a
matter of vital state concern. Without such an expansion, increased
health insurance and other benefits will continue to escalate the costs
of medical care and overload the health care delivery system. The health
maintenance organization concept, through which members of an enrolled
population are each entitled to receive comprehensive health services
for an advance or periodic charge, represents a promising new
alternative for the delivery of a full range of health care services at
a reasonable cost.

Accordingly, it shall be the policy of this state to expand the health
care services options available, and to assure greater choice in the
selection of a health care plan, by removal of legal and other
impediments to the development of competitive health maintenance
organizations acceptable to the public.

It is the intent of the legislature that the commissioner therefore
establish a comprehensive system of authorization and regulation of
health maintenance organizations in the state, as provided in this
article, in order to assure that health services of good quality be
provided to all citizens who choose to take advantage of that
alternative to meet their health care needs. The commissioner shall
cooperate with the superintendent of financial services and with other
state officials and agencies which establish standards and requirements
pertaining to the provision and financing of health care services in
order to assure necessary, equitable and consistent state supervision of
all health care systems without duplication of inspection or services.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

PBH - Public Health

Article 44 - Health Maintenance Organizations

4400 - Statement of Policy and Purposes.

4401 - Definitions.

4402 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Application for Certificate of Authority.

4403 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Issuance of Certificate of Authority.

4403-A - Special Purpose Certificate of Authority.

4403-B - Development of Comprehensive Health Services Plans.

4403-C - Comprehensive HIV Special Needs Plan Certification.

4403-D - Special Needs Managed Care Plans.

4403-E - Primary Care Partial Capitation Providers; Partial Capitation Certificate of Authority.

4403-F - Managed Long Term Care Plans.

4403-G - Developmental Disabilty Individual Support and Care Coordination Organizations.

4404 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Continuance of Certificate of Authority.

4405 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Powers.

4405-A - Immunizations Against Poliomyelitis, Mumps, Measles, Diphtheria and Rubella.

4405-B - Duty to Report.

4406 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Regulation of Contracts.

4406-A - Arbitration Provisions of Health Maintenance Organization Contracts.

4406-B - Primary and Preventive Obstetric and Gynecologic Care.

4406-C - Prohibitions.

4406-D - Health Care Professional Applications and Terminations.

4406-E - Access to End of Life Care.

4406-F - Maternal Depression Screenings.

4406-G - Telehealth Delivery of Services.

4406-H - Health Care Facility Applications.

4406-I - Utilization Review Determinations for Medically Fragile Children.

4407 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Employer Requirements.

4408 - Disclosure of Information.

4408-A - Integrated Delivery Systems.

4408-A*2 - Grievance Procedure.

4409 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Examinations.

4410 - Health Maintenance Organizations; Professional Services.

4411 - Construction.

4412 - Separability.

4413 - Savings Clause.

4414 - Health Care Compliance Programs.

4416 - Excess Reserves of Certain Health Maintenance Organizations.