New York Laws
Article 3 - The Enactment and Publication of Laws
44 - Printing of Session Laws.

ยง 44. Printing of session laws. The temporary president of the senate
and the speaker of the assembly or a person or persons designated by
each legislative leader shall annually cause the session laws to be
printed in a bound volume or volumes as soon as possible after the
adjournment of the legislature. Each such law shall be printed in the
same form as the official copy of the bill which became such law except
that line numbers, the printed number of the bill and explanatory matter
shall be omitted. There shall be inserted immediately under the title of
the law, a statement to the effect that it became a law upon the
properly specified date, with or without the approval of the governor,
or notwithstanding his objections, as the case may be, and adding the
words "passed by a majority vote," "passed by a two-thirds vote," or
"passed by a majority vote, three-fifths being present," and if passed
on a message required by the constitution, that fact also shall be
stated, and, if the certificate so specifies, the applicable portion of
the constitution shall be identified, in accordance with the
certificates appended to the original bill. In the case of an
appropriation law passed pursuant to the provisions of sections three
and four of article seven of the constitution the statement in addition
to the other matter prescribed in this section shall also be to the
effect that part of it became a law upon a properly specified date by
the action of both houses of the legislature and that part of it became
a law upon a properly specified date with or without the approval of the
governor, or notwithstanding his objections, as the case may be. Such
statement shall be presumptive evidence that the original law was
certified by the presiding officer of each house accordingly.

The temporary president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly
shall determine the price at which copies of such session laws shall be
made available to the public. Such copies may be made available in
paperback editions.

The legislature may appropriate such state moneys as may be necessary
to secure the printing of the session laws in accordance with the
provisions of this section.