§ 43. Time of taking effect of laws. Every law, unless a different
time shall be prescribed therein, shall take effect on the twentieth day
after it shall have become a law.
Structure New York Laws
Article 3 - The Enactment and Publication of Laws
40 - Certificate of Presiding Officer.
41 - Evidence of When Bill Becomes a Law.
42 - Deposit of Laws and Concurrent Resolutions With Legislative Leaders and Secretary of State.
43 - Time of Taking Effect of Laws.
44 - Printing of Session Laws.
44-A - Printing of Concurrent Resolutions.
45 - Contents of Printed Volumes of Session Laws.
46 - Distribution of Session Laws.
47 - Officers and Institutions Entitled to Receive Volumes of Journals, Bills and Public Documents.
48 - Publication of Concurrent Resolutions.
50 - Fiscal Note in Retirement Bills.
51 - Fiscal Impact Notes on Bills Affecting Political Subdivisions.
52 - Requirements With Respect to Bills Affecting Tax Expenditures.
54-A - Scheduling of Legislative Consideration of Budget Bills.