ยง 44-a. Printing of concurrent resolutions. In printing concurrent
resolutions proposing amendments to the constitution of the state, or
concurrent resolutions proposing or ratifying amendments to the
constitution of the United States, all new matter shall be set out in
italics and all matter to be eliminated shall be enclosed in brackets.
Structure New York Laws
Article 3 - The Enactment and Publication of Laws
40 - Certificate of Presiding Officer.
41 - Evidence of When Bill Becomes a Law.
42 - Deposit of Laws and Concurrent Resolutions With Legislative Leaders and Secretary of State.
43 - Time of Taking Effect of Laws.
44 - Printing of Session Laws.
44-A - Printing of Concurrent Resolutions.
45 - Contents of Printed Volumes of Session Laws.
46 - Distribution of Session Laws.
47 - Officers and Institutions Entitled to Receive Volumes of Journals, Bills and Public Documents.
48 - Publication of Concurrent Resolutions.
50 - Fiscal Note in Retirement Bills.
51 - Fiscal Impact Notes on Bills Affecting Political Subdivisions.
52 - Requirements With Respect to Bills Affecting Tax Expenditures.
54-A - Scheduling of Legislative Consideration of Budget Bills.