* ยง 411. Transportation improvement program. 1. Each transportation
coordinating committee shall develop and update annually a
transportation coordinating committee transportation improvement program
in cooperation with state and local officials, regional and local
transit operators, recipients authorized under section five of the Urban
Mass Transportation Act (49 USC 1604), and with input from other
affected transportation and regional and local planning and implementing
agencies. The transportation improvement program shall consist of
improvements recommended from the short-range and long-range elements of
the transportation plan developed under this article, and continuing or
special planning studies.
2. The council shall incorporate the transportation improvement
program of transportation coordinating committees annually into an
areawide transportation improvement program, including projects of a
regional nature recommended by the program, finance, and administration
committee as initiated pursuant to title IX of chapter one of the United
States code, and shall endorse the program as meeting the requirements
of 23 CFR 450 and 49 CFR 613, provided that the program is consistent
with plans adopted by the council. Additions, deletions, or any other
changes to the transportation improvement program shall not be made by
the council except by consensus of its members as defined herein.
3. The transportation improvement program as endorsed by the tri-state
regional planning commission for federal fiscal year nineteen hundred
eighty-three, shall not be altered by the council except by consensus of
council members as defined herein.
* NB Expired June 30, 1983
Structure New York Laws
Article 15* - Transportation Coordinating Committees
401*2 - Continuation of Transportation Coordinating Committees; Committee Membership.
406 - Unified Planning Work Program.
407 - Application for Urban Mass Transportation Funds.
408 - Allocation of Funds for Program Year Starting July First, Nineteen Hundred Eighty-Two.
411 - Transportation Improvement Program.
412 - Program, Finance, and Administration Committee.
413 - Nonregional Transportation Coordinating Committees' Actions.
414 - Coordination With Adjacent Metropolitan Planning Organizations.