* § 403. Officers. 1. The commissioner of transportation shall serve
as the permanent co-chairperson of the council with functional
responsibility for agency operations. There shall be a rotating council
co-chairperson, elected each year in turn by one of the transportation
coordinating committees from among its members. The rotation among
transportation coordinating committees for this purpose shall be decided
by the council.
2. The New York state department of transportation shall perform
secretarial services for the council.
3. Each transportation coordinating committee shall elect officers
according to its bylaws or operating procedures, except that the New
York state department of transportation shall perform secretarial
services for each transportation coordinating committee.
* NB Expired June 30, 1983
* NB There are 2 § 403's
Structure New York Laws
Article 15* - Transportation Coordinating Committees
401*2 - Continuation of Transportation Coordinating Committees; Committee Membership.
406 - Unified Planning Work Program.
407 - Application for Urban Mass Transportation Funds.
408 - Allocation of Funds for Program Year Starting July First, Nineteen Hundred Eighty-Two.
411 - Transportation Improvement Program.
412 - Program, Finance, and Administration Committee.
413 - Nonregional Transportation Coordinating Committees' Actions.
414 - Coordination With Adjacent Metropolitan Planning Organizations.