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400*2 - Legislative Findings. - * § 400. Legislative findings. The legislature hereby finds and...
401*2 - Continuation of Transportation Coordinating Committees; Committee Membership. - (a) the Westchester county executive; (b) the Putnam county executive;...
402*2 - Council Membership. - (a) the Westchester county executive; (b) the Putnam county executive;...
403 - Officers. - * § 403. Officers. 1. The commissioner of transportation shall...
404 - Voting by Consensus. - * § 404. Voting by consensus. All actions taken by...
405 - Central Staff. - * § 405. Central staff. To meet areawide transportation planning...
406 - Unified Planning Work Program. - (a) central staff; (b) transportation coordinating committees staff; (c) subregional...
407 - Application for Urban Mass Transportation Funds. - * § 407. Application for urban mass transportation funds. 1....
408 - Allocation of Funds for Program Year Starting July First, Nineteen Hundred Eighty-Two. - * § 408. Allocation of funds for program year starting...
409 - Subregional Pass Through Funds for Program Year Starting July First, Nineteen Hundred Eighty-Two. - * § 409. Subregional pass through funds for program year...
410 - Transportation Plans. - * § 410. Transportation plans. 1. The council shall develop...
411 - Transportation Improvement Program. - * § 411. Transportation improvement program. 1. Each transportation coordinating...
412 - Program, Finance, and Administration Committee. - (a) monitoring and coordinating progress of the council's unified planning...
413 - Nonregional Transportation Coordinating Committees' Actions. - (a) The delineation of and keeping up-to-date, subregional urban area...
414 - Coordination With Adjacent Metropolitan Planning Organizations. - * § 414. Coordination with adjacent metropolitan planning organizations. Within...
415 - Meetings and Agendas. - (a) Election of chairperson; (b) Endorsement of a transportation coordinating...
416 - Central Staff Operation. - (a) program results: (i) Assuring that the desired results or...
417 - Council to Act as the Metropolitan Planning Organization for Purposes of Receipt of Federal Transportation Assistance. - * § 417. Council to act as the metropolitan planning...