ยง 410. Appointment of court attendants in Oneida county. The resident
supreme court justices of Oneida county and the county judge of Oneida
county are hereby authorized to appoint, and may at their pleasure
remove, both permanent and temporary court attendants in and for the
supreme and county courts of Oneida county, whose duty it shall be to
attend the various terms of such courts held in and for the county of
Oneida and act as attendants and court criers thereat, and to perform
such other services as shall be required and designated by said justices
and the county judge of the county of Oneida. Said court attendants
shall possess all the power of an officer designated by the sheriff to
attend upon the court and shall receive such salaries as shall be fixed
from time to time by the board of supervisors of Oneida county.
Structure New York Laws
Article 13 - Sheriffs and Constables
400 - Sheriff May Command Power of County to Overcome Resistance.
401 - Sheriff Must Certify to Court Names of Persons Resisting Execution of Mandate.
402 - Sheriff or Deputy to Attend Term of Appellate Division.
403 - Sheriff Must Notify Constables and Deputies to Attend Terms.
404 - Sheriff or Constable Not Required to Attend Special Term Supreme Court in Certain Cases.
406 - Sheriff, Deputy or Constable Must Act as Crier When Directed by Court.
407 - Deputy Sheriff Must Attend Court as Notified.
408 - Designation by Sheriff of Monroe County of Attendants for Supreme and County Courts.
409 - Designation by Sheriff of Onondaga County of Court Attendants for Supreme and County Courts.
410 - Appointment of Court Attendants in Oneida County.
411-A - Court Attendant in Herkimer County.
411-B - Designation by Sheriff of Dutchess County of Attendants for Certain Courts in Such County.