New York Laws
Article 28 - Hospitals
2824*2 - Surgical Technology and Surgical Technologists.

(a) "Healthcare facility" means a general hospital as defined by
subdivision ten of section twenty-eight hundred one of this article or a
hospital as defined by subdivision one of section twenty-eight hundred
one of this article operating as a diagnostic and treatment center
authorized to provide ambulatory surgical services.
(b) "Surgical technologist" means a person who performs surgical
technology other than in the course of practicing as a healthcare
(c) "Surgical technology" means the following surgery related tasks
and functions:
(i) assisting healthcare professionals to prepare the operating room
and sterile field for surgical procedures, including assisting
healthcare professionals to set up sterile supplies, instruments and
equipment using sterile technique and ensuring that surgical equipment
function properly and safely;
(ii) assisting healthcare professionals to move and position patients
for surgery;
(iii) assisting healthcare professionals to perform non-invasive
prepping of the skin's surface and draping patients for surgery;
(iv) assisting the surgeon's provision of hemostasis during surgery by
handing instruments;
(v) holding a retractor after placement by a healthcare professional;
(vi) anticipating instrument needs of a surgeon; and
(vii) other tasks incidental to surgery that do not fall within the
scope of practice of a licensed profession, as directed by the surgeon.
Services that fall within the practice of licensed professions include,
but are not limited to:
(A) retracting tissue to expose the operating field during a surgical
(B) administering any medication by any route, including local and
topical medications;
(C) placing hemostatic instruments or devices or applying cautery or
tying off bleeders;
(D) applying sutures or assisting with or performing wound closure;
(E) assisting the surgeon in identifying structures that should not be
ligated; and
(F) applying wound dressings.
(d) "Healthcare professional" means a person licensed or certified to
practice a healthcare profession under title eight of the education law,
acting within the scope of his or her practice.
2. A surgical technologist shall not perform surgical technology
except under the direction and supervision of an appropriately licensed
healthcare professional participating in the surgery and acting within
the scope of his or her practice to direct and supervise the surgical
3. Minimum standards for certification of surgical technologists. A
person may not function as a surgical technologist in a healthcare
facility, and a healthcare facility shall not employ or otherwise
contract for the services of a surgical technologist, unless the person
meets one of the following:
(a) has successfully completed a nationally accredited educational
program for surgical technologists and holds and maintains a certified
surgical technologist credential administered by a nationally accredited
surgical technologist credentialing organization;
(b) has completed an appropriate training program for surgical
technology in the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps,
Coast Guard or Public Health Service Commissioned Corps;
(c) provides evidence that the person was employed as a surgical
technologist in a healthcare facility for a cumulative period of one
year, occurring within the four years immediately prior to the effective
date of this section. In furtherance of this paragraph, any employer of
persons performing surgical technology on the effective date of this
section shall confirm in writing to each employee his or her employment
in a capacity performing surgical technology in a healthcare facility as
of the effective date of this section; or
(d) is in the service of the federal government, to the extent the
person is performing duties related to that service.
4. A person may be employed or contracted to practice surgical
technology during the twelve month period immediately following
successful completion of a surgical technology program under paragraph
(a) of subdivision three of this section, but may not continue to be
employed or contracted with beyond that period without documentation
that the employee or contractor holds and maintains a certified surgical
technologist credential required in paragraph (a) of subdivision three
of this section.
5. A person who qualifies to function as a surgical technologist in a
healthcare facility must annually complete fifteen hours of continuing
education to remain qualified to practice as a surgical technologist. A
healthcare facility that employs or contracts with a person to practice
surgical technology shall verify that the person meets the continuing
education requirements of this subdivision.
6. (a) A surgical technologist shall document in writing good cause
that prevents compliance with the continuing education requirement as
prescribed in subdivision five of this section, which shall include any
of the following reasons: a medical condition which requires an extended
leave of absence and is documented by an appropriate healthcare
professional, or extended active duty with the armed forces of the
United States. If one of these conditions is met, an extension to
meeting the continuing education requirement, as prescribed in
subdivision five of this section may be granted by:
(i) the accrediting agency of a surgical technologist qualifying under
paragraph (a) of subdivision three of this section; or
(ii) a healthcare facility for a surgical technologist under paragraph
(c) of subdivision three of this section.
(b) If an extension is granted, a surgical technologist shall complete
all past due continuing education requirements within ninety days upon
resolution of the medical condition or termination of extended active
duty with the armed forces of the United States.
7. A healthcare facility may employ or otherwise contract with a
person who does not meet the requirements of subdivision three of this
section to function as a surgical technologist in a healthcare facility
(a) after a diligent and thorough effort has been made, the healthcare
facility is unable to employ or contract with a sufficient number of
qualified surgical technologists who meet the requirements of this
(b) the healthcare facility makes a written record of its efforts
under paragraph (a) of this subdivision and retains the record at the
healthcare facility; and
(c) the person meets the requirements of subdivision three of this
section within two years of the start of employment or contracting for
the performance of surgical technology.

8. Nothing in this section shall prohibit any healthcare professional
from performing surgical technology tasks or functions if the person is
acting within the scope of his or her practice. Nothing in this section
shall mean that any individual not licensed pursuant to title eight of
the education law may perform tasks or functions limited to the scope of
practice of a healthcare professional under such title.
9. A healthcare facility that employs or contracts with a surgical
technologist shall, upon request of another healthcare facility, or upon
request of a surgical technologist employed by, formerly employed by or
contracted with to perform surgical technology tasks at the healthcare
facility, verify the dates of employment or contract of such person.
10. The commissioner shall promulgate regulations as he or she may
deem appropriate to effectuate the purposes of this section.
* NB There are 2 ยง 2824's

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

PBH - Public Health

Article 28 - Hospitals

2800 - Declaration of Policy and Statement of Purpose.

2801 - Definitions.

2801-A - Establishment or Incorporation of Hospitals.

2801-B - Improper Practices in Hospital Staff Appointments and Extension of Professional Privileges Prohibited.

2801-C - Injunctions.

2801-D - Private Actions by Patients of Residential Health Care Facilities.

2801-E - Voluntary Residential Health Care Facility Rightsizing Demonstration Program.

2801-F - Residential Health Care Facility Quality Incentive Payment Program.

2801-G - Community Forum on Hospital Closure.

2801-H - Personal Caregiving Visitors for Nursing Home Residents During Public Health Emergencies.

2802 - Approval of Construction.

2802-A - Transitional Care Unit Demonstration Program.

2802-B - Health Equity Impact Assessments.

2803 - Commissioner and Council; Powers and Duties.

2803-A - Authority to Contract.

2803-B - Uniform Reports and Accounting Systems for Hospital Costs.

2803-C - Rights of Patients in Certain Medical Facilities.

2803-C-1 - Rights of Patients in Certain Medical Facilities; Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program.

2803-D - Reporting Abuses of Persons Receiving Care or Services in Residential Health Care Facilities.

2803-E - Residential Health Care Facilities; Return and Redistribution of Unused Medication.

2803-E*2 - Reporting Incidents of Possible Professional Misconduct.

2803-F - Respite Projects.

2803-G - Board of Visitors in County Owned Residential Health Care Facility.

2803-H - Health Related Facility; Pet Therapy Programs.

2803-I - General Hospital Inpatient Discharge Review Program.

2803-J - Information for Maternity Patients.

2803-J*2 - Nursing Home Nurse Aide Registry.

2803-K - In-Patient Nasogastric Feeding Procedures.

2803-L - Community Service Plans.

2803-M - Discharge of Hospital Patients to Adult Homes.

2803-N - Hospital Care for Maternity Patients.

2803-O - Hospital Care for Mastectomy, Lumpectomy, and Lymph Node Dissection Patients.

2803-P - Disclosure of Information Concerning Family Violence.

2803-Q - Family Councils in Residential Health Care Facilities.

2803-R - Dissemination of Information About the Abandoned Infant Protection Act.

2803-S - Access to Product Recall Information.

2803-T - Preadmission Information.

2803-U - Hospital Substance Use Disorder Policies and Procedures.

2803-V - Lymphedema Information Distribution.

2803-V*2 - Standing Orders for New Born Care in a Hospital.

2803-W - Independent Quality Monitors for Residential Health Care Facilities.

2803-W*2 - Disclosure of Information Concerning Pregnancy Complications.

2803-X - Requirements Related to Nursing Homes and Related Assets and Operations.

2803-Y - Provision of Residency Agreement.

2803-Z - Transfer, Discharge and Voluntary Discharge Requirements for Residential Health Care Facilities.

2803-Z*2 - Antimicrobial Resistance Prevention and Education.

2803-AA - Sickle Cell Disease Information Distribution.

2803-AA*2 - Nursing Home Infection Control Competency Audit.

2804 - Units for Hospital and Health-Related Affairs.

2804-A - State Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines and Medical Technology Assessment.

2805 - Approval of Hospitals; Operating Certificates.

2805-A - Disclosure of Financial Transactions.

2805-B - Admission of Patients and Emergency Treatment of Nonadmitted Patients.

2805-C - .

2805-D - Limitation of Medical, Dental or Podiatric Malpractice Action Based on Lack of Informed Consent.

2805-E - Reports of Residential Health Care Facilities.

2805-F - Money Deposited or Advanced for Admittance to Nursing Homes; Waiver Void; Administration Expenses.

2805-G - Maintenance of Records.

2805-H - Immunizations.

2805-I - Treatment of Sexual Offense Victims and Maintenance of Evidence in a Sexual Offense.

2805-J - Medical, Dental and Podiatric Malpractice Prevention Program.

2805-K - Investigations Prior to Granting or Renewing Privileges.

2805-L - Adverse Event Reporting.

2805-M - Confidentiality.

2805-N - Child Abuse Prevention.

2805-O - Identification of Veterans and Their Spouses by Nursing Homes, Residential Health Care Facilities, and Adult Care Facilities.

2805-P - Emergency Treatment of Rape Survivors.

2805-Q - Hospital Visitation by Domestic Partner.

2805-R - Patients Unable to Verbally Communicate.

2805-S - Circulating Nurse Required.

2805-T - Clinical Staffing Committees and Disclosure of Nursing Quality Indicators.

2805-U - Credentialing and Privileging of Health Care Practioners Providing Telemedicine Services.

2805-V - Observation Services.

2805-W - Patient Notice of Observation Services.

2805-X - Hospital-Home Care-Physician Collaboration Program.

2805-Y - Indentification and Assessment of Human Trafficking Victims.

2805-Z - Hospital Domestic Violence Policies and Procedures.

2806 - Hospital Operating Certificates; Suspension or Revocation.

2806-A - Temporary Operator.

2815 - Health Facility Restructuring Program.

2815-A - Community Health Care Revolving Capital Fund.

2816 - Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System.

2806-B - Residential Health Care Facilities; Revocation of Operating Certificate.

2807 - Hospital Reimbursement Provisions; Generally.

2807-A - General Hospital Nineteen Hundred Eighty-Six and Nineteen Hundred Eighty-Seven Inpatient Rates and Charges.

2807-AA - Nurse Loan Repayment Program.

2807-B - Outstanding Payments and Reports Due Under Subdivision Eighteen of Section Twenty-Eight Hundred Seven-C, Sections Twenty-Eight Hundred Seven-D,twenty

2807-C - General Hospital Inpatient Reimbursement for Annual Rate Periods Beginning on or After January First, Nineteen Hundred Eighty-Eight.

2807-D - Hospital Assessments.

2807-DD - Temporary Nursing Home Stability Contributions.

2807-D-1 - Hospital Quality Contributions.

2807-E - Uniform Bills.

2807-F - Health Maintenance Organization Payment Factor.

2807-I - Service and Quality Improvement Grants.

2807-J - Patient Services Payments.

2807-K - General Hospital Indigent Care Pool.

2807-L - Health Care Initiatives Pool Distributions.

2807-M - Distribution of the Professional Education Pools.

2807-N - Palliative Care Education and Training.

2807-O - Early Intervention Services Pool.

2807-P - Comprehensive Diagnostic and Treatment Centers Indigent Care Program.

2807-R - Funding for Expansion of Cancer Services.

2807-S - Professional Education Pool Funding.

2807-T - Assessments on Covered Lives.

2807-U - Transfers for Tax Credits.

2807-V - Tobacco Control and Insurance Initiatives Pool Distributions.

2807-W - High Need Indigent Care Adjustment Pool.

2807-X - Grants for Long Term Care Demonstration Projects.

2807-Y - Pool Administration.

2807-Z - Review of Eligible Federally Qualified Health Center Capital Projects.

2808 - Residential Health Care Facilities; Rates of Payment.

2808-A - Liability of Certain Persons.

2808-B - Certification of Financial Statements and Financial Information.

2808-C - Reimbursement of General Hospital Inpatient Services.

2808-D - Nursing Home Quality Improvement Demonstration Program.

2808-E - Residential Health Care for Children With Medical Fragility in Transition to Young Adults and Young Adults With Medical Fragility Demonstration Program.

2808-E*2 - Nursing Home Ratings.

2809 - Residential Health Care Facilities; Powers to Require Security.

2810 - Residential Health Care Facilities; Receivership.

2811 - Discounts and Splitting Fees With Medical Referral Services; Prohibited.

2812 - Construction.

2813 - Separability.

2814 - Health Networks, Global Budgeting, and Health Care Demonstrations.

2816-A - Cardiac Services Information.

2817 - Community Health Centers Capital Program.

2818 - Health Care Efficiency and Affordability Law of New Yorkers (Heal Ny) Capital Grant Program.

2819 - Hospital Acquired Infection Reporting.

2820 - Home Based Primary Care for the Elderly Demonstration Project.

2821 - State Electronic Health Records (Ehr) Loan Program.

2822 - Residential Care Off-Site Facility Demonstration Project.

2823 - Supportive Housing Development Program.

2824 - Central Service Technicians.

2824*2 - Surgical Technology and Surgical Technologists.

2825 - Capital Restructuring Financing Program.

2825-A - Health Care Facility Transformation: Kings County Project.

2825-B - Oneida County Health Care Facility Transformation Program:oneida County Project.

2825-C - Essential Health Care Provider Support Program.

2825-D - Health Care Facility Tranformation Program: Statewide.

2825-E - Health Care Facility Tranformation Program: Statewide Ii.

2825-F - Health Care Facility Tranformation Program: Statewide Iii.

2825-G - Health Care Facility Transformation Program: Statewide Iv.

2825-H - Health Care Facility Transformation Program: Statewide V.

2826 - Temporary Adjustment to Reimbursement Rates.

2827 - Plant-Based Food Options.

2828 - Residential Health Care Facilities; Minimum Direct Resident Care Spending.

2828*2 - Essential Support Persons Allowed for Individuals With Disabilities During a State of Emergency.

2829 - Nursing Homes; Disclosure Requirements.

2830 - Surgical Smoke Evacuation.

2830*2 - Regulation of the Billing of Facility Fees.