New York Laws
Article 28 - Hospitals
2803-O - Hospital Care for Mastectomy, Lumpectomy, and Lymph Node Dissection Patients.

(a) a description of the various reconstructive options and the
advantages and disadvantages of each. Such description shall include
aesthetic flat closure as such term is defined by the National Cancer
(b) a description of the provisions assuring coverage by public and
private insurance plans of the costs related to reconstructive surgery
under federal and state law;
(c) a description of how a patient may access reconstructive care,
including the potential of transferring care to a facility that provides
reconstructive care or choosing to pursue reconstruction after
completion of breast cancer surgery and chemo/radiotherapy, if
(d) such other information as may be required by the commissioner.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

PBH - Public Health

Article 28 - Hospitals

2800 - Declaration of Policy and Statement of Purpose.

2801 - Definitions.

2801-A - Establishment or Incorporation of Hospitals.

2801-B - Improper Practices in Hospital Staff Appointments and Extension of Professional Privileges Prohibited.

2801-C - Injunctions.

2801-D - Private Actions by Patients of Residential Health Care Facilities.

2801-E - Voluntary Residential Health Care Facility Rightsizing Demonstration Program.

2801-F - Residential Health Care Facility Quality Incentive Payment Program.

2801-G - Community Forum on Hospital Closure.

2801-H - Personal Caregiving Visitors for Nursing Home Residents During Public Health Emergencies.

2802 - Approval of Construction.

2802-A - Transitional Care Unit Demonstration Program.

2802-B - Health Equity Impact Assessments.

2803 - Commissioner and Council; Powers and Duties.

2803-A - Authority to Contract.

2803-B - Uniform Reports and Accounting Systems for Hospital Costs.

2803-C - Rights of Patients in Certain Medical Facilities.

2803-C-1 - Rights of Patients in Certain Medical Facilities; Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program.

2803-D - Reporting Abuses of Persons Receiving Care or Services in Residential Health Care Facilities.

2803-E - Residential Health Care Facilities; Return and Redistribution of Unused Medication.

2803-E*2 - Reporting Incidents of Possible Professional Misconduct.

2803-F - Respite Projects.

2803-G - Board of Visitors in County Owned Residential Health Care Facility.

2803-H - Health Related Facility; Pet Therapy Programs.

2803-I - General Hospital Inpatient Discharge Review Program.

2803-J - Information for Maternity Patients.

2803-J*2 - Nursing Home Nurse Aide Registry.

2803-K - In-Patient Nasogastric Feeding Procedures.

2803-L - Community Service Plans.

2803-M - Discharge of Hospital Patients to Adult Homes.

2803-N - Hospital Care for Maternity Patients.

2803-O - Hospital Care for Mastectomy, Lumpectomy, and Lymph Node Dissection Patients.

2803-P - Disclosure of Information Concerning Family Violence.

2803-Q - Family Councils in Residential Health Care Facilities.

2803-R - Dissemination of Information About the Abandoned Infant Protection Act.

2803-S - Access to Product Recall Information.

2803-T - Preadmission Information.

2803-U - Hospital Substance Use Disorder Policies and Procedures.

2803-V - Lymphedema Information Distribution.

2803-V*2 - Standing Orders for New Born Care in a Hospital.

2803-W - Independent Quality Monitors for Residential Health Care Facilities.

2803-W*2 - Disclosure of Information Concerning Pregnancy Complications.

2803-X - Requirements Related to Nursing Homes and Related Assets and Operations.

2803-Y - Provision of Residency Agreement.

2803-Z - Transfer, Discharge and Voluntary Discharge Requirements for Residential Health Care Facilities.

2803-Z*2 - Antimicrobial Resistance Prevention and Education.

2803-AA - Sickle Cell Disease Information Distribution.

2803-AA*2 - Nursing Home Infection Control Competency Audit.

2804 - Units for Hospital and Health-Related Affairs.

2804-A - State Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines and Medical Technology Assessment.

2805 - Approval of Hospitals; Operating Certificates.

2805-A - Disclosure of Financial Transactions.

2805-B - Admission of Patients and Emergency Treatment of Nonadmitted Patients.

2805-C - .

2805-D - Limitation of Medical, Dental or Podiatric Malpractice Action Based on Lack of Informed Consent.

2805-E - Reports of Residential Health Care Facilities.

2805-F - Money Deposited or Advanced for Admittance to Nursing Homes; Waiver Void; Administration Expenses.

2805-G - Maintenance of Records.

2805-H - Immunizations.

2805-I - Treatment of Sexual Offense Victims and Maintenance of Evidence in a Sexual Offense.

2805-J - Medical, Dental and Podiatric Malpractice Prevention Program.

2805-K - Investigations Prior to Granting or Renewing Privileges.

2805-L - Adverse Event Reporting.

2805-M - Confidentiality.

2805-N - Child Abuse Prevention.

2805-O - Identification of Veterans and Their Spouses by Nursing Homes, Residential Health Care Facilities, and Adult Care Facilities.

2805-P - Emergency Treatment of Rape Survivors.

2805-Q - Hospital Visitation by Domestic Partner.

2805-R - Patients Unable to Verbally Communicate.

2805-S - Circulating Nurse Required.

2805-T - Clinical Staffing Committees and Disclosure of Nursing Quality Indicators.

2805-U - Credentialing and Privileging of Health Care Practioners Providing Telemedicine Services.

2805-V - Observation Services.

2805-W - Patient Notice of Observation Services.

2805-X - Hospital-Home Care-Physician Collaboration Program.

2805-Y - Indentification and Assessment of Human Trafficking Victims.

2805-Z - Hospital Domestic Violence Policies and Procedures.

2806 - Hospital Operating Certificates; Suspension or Revocation.

2806-A - Temporary Operator.

2815 - Health Facility Restructuring Program.

2815-A - Community Health Care Revolving Capital Fund.

2816 - Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System.

2806-B - Residential Health Care Facilities; Revocation of Operating Certificate.

2807 - Hospital Reimbursement Provisions; Generally.

2807-A - General Hospital Nineteen Hundred Eighty-Six and Nineteen Hundred Eighty-Seven Inpatient Rates and Charges.

2807-AA - Nurse Loan Repayment Program.

2807-B - Outstanding Payments and Reports Due Under Subdivision Eighteen of Section Twenty-Eight Hundred Seven-C, Sections Twenty-Eight Hundred Seven-D,twenty

2807-C - General Hospital Inpatient Reimbursement for Annual Rate Periods Beginning on or After January First, Nineteen Hundred Eighty-Eight.

2807-D - Hospital Assessments.

2807-DD - Temporary Nursing Home Stability Contributions.

2807-D-1 - Hospital Quality Contributions.

2807-E - Uniform Bills.

2807-F - Health Maintenance Organization Payment Factor.

2807-I - Service and Quality Improvement Grants.

2807-J - Patient Services Payments.

2807-K - General Hospital Indigent Care Pool.

2807-L - Health Care Initiatives Pool Distributions.

2807-M - Distribution of the Professional Education Pools.

2807-N - Palliative Care Education and Training.

2807-O - Early Intervention Services Pool.

2807-P - Comprehensive Diagnostic and Treatment Centers Indigent Care Program.

2807-R - Funding for Expansion of Cancer Services.

2807-S - Professional Education Pool Funding.

2807-T - Assessments on Covered Lives.

2807-U - Transfers for Tax Credits.

2807-V - Tobacco Control and Insurance Initiatives Pool Distributions.

2807-W - High Need Indigent Care Adjustment Pool.

2807-X - Grants for Long Term Care Demonstration Projects.

2807-Y - Pool Administration.

2807-Z - Review of Eligible Federally Qualified Health Center Capital Projects.

2808 - Residential Health Care Facilities; Rates of Payment.

2808-A - Liability of Certain Persons.

2808-B - Certification of Financial Statements and Financial Information.

2808-C - Reimbursement of General Hospital Inpatient Services.

2808-D - Nursing Home Quality Improvement Demonstration Program.

2808-E - Residential Health Care for Children With Medical Fragility in Transition to Young Adults and Young Adults With Medical Fragility Demonstration Program.

2808-E*2 - Nursing Home Ratings.

2809 - Residential Health Care Facilities; Powers to Require Security.

2810 - Residential Health Care Facilities; Receivership.

2811 - Discounts and Splitting Fees With Medical Referral Services; Prohibited.

2812 - Construction.

2813 - Separability.

2814 - Health Networks, Global Budgeting, and Health Care Demonstrations.

2816-A - Cardiac Services Information.

2817 - Community Health Centers Capital Program.

2818 - Health Care Efficiency and Affordability Law of New Yorkers (Heal Ny) Capital Grant Program.

2819 - Hospital Acquired Infection Reporting.

2820 - Home Based Primary Care for the Elderly Demonstration Project.

2821 - State Electronic Health Records (Ehr) Loan Program.

2822 - Residential Care Off-Site Facility Demonstration Project.

2823 - Supportive Housing Development Program.

2824 - Central Service Technicians.

2824*2 - Surgical Technology and Surgical Technologists.

2825 - Capital Restructuring Financing Program.

2825-A - Health Care Facility Transformation: Kings County Project.

2825-B - Oneida County Health Care Facility Transformation Program:oneida County Project.

2825-C - Essential Health Care Provider Support Program.

2825-D - Health Care Facility Tranformation Program: Statewide.

2825-E - Health Care Facility Tranformation Program: Statewide Ii.

2825-F - Health Care Facility Tranformation Program: Statewide Iii.

2825-G - Health Care Facility Transformation Program: Statewide Iv.

2825-H - Health Care Facility Transformation Program: Statewide V.

2826 - Temporary Adjustment to Reimbursement Rates.

2827 - Plant-Based Food Options.

2828 - Residential Health Care Facilities; Minimum Direct Resident Care Spending.

2828*2 - Essential Support Persons Allowed for Individuals With Disabilities During a State of Emergency.

2829 - Nursing Homes; Disclosure Requirements.

2830 - Surgical Smoke Evacuation.

2830*2 - Regulation of the Billing of Facility Fees.