New York Laws
Article 2 - Thoroughbred Racing and Breeding
252 - New York State Thoroughbred Breeding and Development Fund.

ยง 252. New York state thoroughbred breeding and development fund. 1. A
corporation to be known as the New York state thoroughbred breeding and
development fund corporation is hereby created. Such corporation shall
be a body corporate and politic constituting a public benefit
corporation. It shall be administered by a board of directors consisting
of the chair of the state gaming commission or his or her designee, the
commissioner of agriculture and markets, three members of the state
gaming commission or their designees, all of whom are experienced, have
knowledge, or have been actively engaged in the thoroughbred horse
industry in the state as designated by the governor and six members
appointed by the governor, all of whom are experienced or have been
actively engaged in the breeding of thoroughbred horses in New York
state, one, the president or the executive director of the statewide
thoroughbred breeders association representing the majority of breeders
of registered thoroughbreds in New York state, one upon the
recommendation of the majority leader of the senate, one upon the
recommendation of the speaker of the assembly, one upon the
recommendation of the minority leader of the senate, and one upon the
recommendation of the minority leader of the assembly. Two of the
appointed members shall initially serve for a two year term, two of the
appointed members shall initially serve for a three year term and two of
the appointed members shall initially serve for a four year term. All
successors appointed members shall serve for a four year term. All
members shall continue in office until their successors have been
appointed and qualified. The governor shall designate the chair from
among the sitting members who shall serve as such at the pleasure of the

2. The powers of the fund shall be vested in and exercised by the
board at a meeting duly held at a time fixed by any by-law adopted by
the board or at any duly adjourned meeting of such meeting or at any
meeting held upon reasonable notice to all of the directors, and a
majority of the whole number of directors shall constitute a quorum;
provided that neither the business nor the powers of the fund shall be
transacted or exercised except pursuant to a favorable vote of at least
a majority of the directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is in

3. The board may delegate to one or more of the directors or officers
of the fund such powers and duties as it may deem proper and shall
utilize, pursuant to a contract approved by the director of the budget,
the service employees of the state gaming commission and the state
office of racing promotion and development.

4. The directors shall not be entitled to any compensation for their
services but shall be entitled to reimbursement for their actual and
necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.

5. Such members, except as otherwise provided by law, may engage in
private employment, or in a profession or business including the
breeding and racing of thoroughbred horses. The fund, its members,
officers and employees shall be subject to the provisions of sections
seventy-three and seventy-four of the public officers law.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

PML - Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law

Article 2 - Thoroughbred Racing and Breeding

201 - Incorporation.

202 - Restriction Upon Commencement of Business.

202-A - Liability of the Directors of a Franchised Corporation.

202-B - No Debt of the State.

203 - Right to Hold Race Meetings and Races.

204 - Certificate of Payment of Stock.

205 - License for Running Races and Steeplechase Meetings.

206 - Franchise for Running Races and Steeplechase Meetings.

207 - Board of Directors of a Franchise Corporation.

208 - Conditions of Franchise Award.

209 - Examination of the Books and Accounts by the State Comptroller.

210 - Franchise Termination.

210-A - Relinquishment of Franchise.

211 - Fair Association, When Entitled to Privileges.

212 - Franchise Oversight Board.

213 - Project Labor Agreements.

214 - Acquisition of Racing Facilities.

216 - Disposition of Racing Facilities or Certain Assets.

217 - Revocation of Licenses.

218 - Stewards at Race Meetings.

219 - Advertising or Promotional Material.

220 - Licenses for Participants and Employees at Race Meetings.

220-A - Corporations Continued.

221 - New York Jockey Injury Compensation Fund, Inc.

221-A - Health Insurance for Jockeys.

221-B - Health Insurance for Trainers.

222 - Notice to Be Posted Upon Grounds.

223 - Special Police Officers.

224 - Penalty for Unlawful Racing and Betting.

225 - Registration of Race Horses.

226 - Increased or Additional Entrance Fees.

228 - Pension Plans for Backstretch Employees.

229 - Backstretch Employees Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Eligibility.

230 - Membership in a National Thoroughbred Racing Association.

231 - Pari-Mutuel Betting on Horse Races Legalized.

232 - License to Conduct Pari-Mutuel Betting at Race Meetings for Running Races or Steeplechases.

233 - Bond Required of Corporation Conducting Pari-Mutuel Betting.

234 - Place and Manner of Conducting Pari-Mutuel Betting.

235 - Rules for the Conduct of Pari-Mutuel Betting.

236 - Disposition of Pari-Mutuel Pools; Percentage Payable to State as a Tax; Authority of Counties of Certain Cities to Impose a Tax.

237 - Capital Improvements.

238 - Disposition of Pari-Mutuel Pools of the Franchised Corporation; Percentage Payable to State as a Tax; Authority of Counties or Certain Cities to Impos

239 - Books and Records of Pari-Mutuel Betting.

240 - Yearly Audit.

241 - Disposition of Unpaid Money Due on Account of Pari-Mutuel Tickets Not Presented.

242 - Races for Horses Bred in the State.

243 - Free or Reduced Fee Passes, Cards or Badges.

244 - Revocation of License or Franchise.

245 - Hearing on Refusal or Revocation of License or Franchise.

246 - Approval of Plans of Corporation.

247 - Racing Zones.

248 - Racing Season; Allotment of Dates for Racing.

249 - Pari-Mutuel Employees to Be Citizens and Residents.

250 - Power of Commission to Impose Penalties.

251 - Definitions.

252 - New York State Thoroughbred Breeding and Development Fund.

253 - Powers of the Fund.

254 - Resources of Fund.

255 - Annual Audit.

256 - Annual Report.

257 - Actions Against Fund.