New York Laws
Article 2 - Thoroughbred Racing and Breeding
223 - Special Police Officers.

ยง 223. Special police officers. For the purpose of preserving order
and preventing offenses against the laws prohibiting gambling, the
trustees or directors of any corporation created under or subject to the
provisions of this article are hereby authorized to appoint from time to
time, five or more special police officers, and the same to remove at
pleasure, who, when appointed, shall be peace officers with the same
powers within and about such grounds as are set forth in section 2.20 of
the criminal procedure law, whose duty, when appointed, shall be to
preserve order within and around the grounds and racetracks of such
corporation, to protect the property within such grounds, to eject or
arrest all persons who shall be improperly within the grounds of such
corporation or who shall be guilty of disorderly conduct, or who shall
neglect or refuse to pay the fees or to observe the rules prescribed by
such corporation; and it shall be the further duty of such police
officers, when appointed, to prevent all violations of law with
reference to pool-selling, bookmaking and other gambling, and to arrest
any and all persons violating such provisions, and to convey such person
or persons so arrested, with a statement of the cause of such arrest,
before a court having jurisdiction of such offense, to be dealt with
according to the law. The appointment of police officers in pursuance of
this section shall not be deemed to supersede in any way on the grounds
and racetrack of such corporation the authority of peace officers or
police officers of the jurisdiction within which such grounds and
racetrack are located.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

PML - Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and Breeding Law

Article 2 - Thoroughbred Racing and Breeding

201 - Incorporation.

202 - Restriction Upon Commencement of Business.

202-A - Liability of the Directors of a Franchised Corporation.

202-B - No Debt of the State.

203 - Right to Hold Race Meetings and Races.

204 - Certificate of Payment of Stock.

205 - License for Running Races and Steeplechase Meetings.

206 - Franchise for Running Races and Steeplechase Meetings.

207 - Board of Directors of a Franchise Corporation.

208 - Conditions of Franchise Award.

209 - Examination of the Books and Accounts by the State Comptroller.

210 - Franchise Termination.

210-A - Relinquishment of Franchise.

211 - Fair Association, When Entitled to Privileges.

212 - Franchise Oversight Board.

213 - Project Labor Agreements.

214 - Acquisition of Racing Facilities.

216 - Disposition of Racing Facilities or Certain Assets.

217 - Revocation of Licenses.

218 - Stewards at Race Meetings.

219 - Advertising or Promotional Material.

220 - Licenses for Participants and Employees at Race Meetings.

220-A - Corporations Continued.

221 - New York Jockey Injury Compensation Fund, Inc.

221-A - Health Insurance for Jockeys.

221-B - Health Insurance for Trainers.

222 - Notice to Be Posted Upon Grounds.

223 - Special Police Officers.

224 - Penalty for Unlawful Racing and Betting.

225 - Registration of Race Horses.

226 - Increased or Additional Entrance Fees.

228 - Pension Plans for Backstretch Employees.

229 - Backstretch Employees Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Eligibility.

230 - Membership in a National Thoroughbred Racing Association.

231 - Pari-Mutuel Betting on Horse Races Legalized.

232 - License to Conduct Pari-Mutuel Betting at Race Meetings for Running Races or Steeplechases.

233 - Bond Required of Corporation Conducting Pari-Mutuel Betting.

234 - Place and Manner of Conducting Pari-Mutuel Betting.

235 - Rules for the Conduct of Pari-Mutuel Betting.

236 - Disposition of Pari-Mutuel Pools; Percentage Payable to State as a Tax; Authority of Counties of Certain Cities to Impose a Tax.

237 - Capital Improvements.

238 - Disposition of Pari-Mutuel Pools of the Franchised Corporation; Percentage Payable to State as a Tax; Authority of Counties or Certain Cities to Impos

239 - Books and Records of Pari-Mutuel Betting.

240 - Yearly Audit.

241 - Disposition of Unpaid Money Due on Account of Pari-Mutuel Tickets Not Presented.

242 - Races for Horses Bred in the State.

243 - Free or Reduced Fee Passes, Cards or Badges.

244 - Revocation of License or Franchise.

245 - Hearing on Refusal or Revocation of License or Franchise.

246 - Approval of Plans of Corporation.

247 - Racing Zones.

248 - Racing Season; Allotment of Dates for Racing.

249 - Pari-Mutuel Employees to Be Citizens and Residents.

250 - Power of Commission to Impose Penalties.

251 - Definitions.

252 - New York State Thoroughbred Breeding and Development Fund.

253 - Powers of the Fund.

254 - Resources of Fund.

255 - Annual Audit.

256 - Annual Report.

257 - Actions Against Fund.