§ 236. Removal of marks. It shall be unlawful for any person to alter,
mutilate, destroy, obscure, obliterate, or remove any mark or tag
required by this article to be placed on any article of food or the
container thereof while the same is stored in a refrigerated warehouse.
Structure New York Laws
Article 19 - Refrigerated Warehouses and Locker Plants
232 - Licenses, Suspension or Revocation Of; Review.
233 - Licensee to Render Financial Statements.
234 - Records to Be Kept by Refrigerated Warehouse Licensee.
234-A - Records to Be Kept by Locker Plant Licensee.
235 - Marking of Food Held Under Refrigeration.
236 - Removal of Marks.
238 - Exemptions as to Locker Plants.
239 - Unfit Food to Be Condemned.
240 - Length of Storage Period.
241 - Transfer of Food Held in Refrigerated Warehouse.