§ 232. Commissioners to transfer plans. Within one month after such
corporation shall have been formed and organized in the manner
hereinbefore provided, the commissioners shall transfer and deliver to
the corporation all plans, specifications, drawings, maps, books and
papers in their possession, and they shall, within the like period of
one month after the organization of such corporation, cause to be paid
to the treasurer thereof all money collected under the provisions of
this article, after deducting therefrom the necessary expenses incurred
by the commissioners and the amounts due to them for their salaries.
Structure New York Laws
Article 6 - Rapid Transit Act of 1875
220 - Application for Railroad; Commissioners.
221 - Oath and Bond of Commissioners.
222 - First Meeting of Commissioners.
223 - Determination of Necessity of Railroad and Route.
224 - Adoption of Plans, and Terms Upon Which Road Shall Be Built.
225 - Appraisal of Damages and Deposit of Money as Security.
226 - Shall Prepare Certificate of Incorporation; Proviso as to Forfeiture.
228 - Commissioners to Deliver Certificate; Affidavit of Directors.
231 - Where Route Coincides With Another Route.
232 - Commissioners to Transfer Plans.
233 - Commissioners to File Report; Confirmation Thereof.
235 - Quorum; Term of Office; Removal; Vacancies in Board of Commissioners.
236 - Abandonment or Change of Route; New Commissioners; Their Powers and Proceedings.
237 - Abandonment of Portion of Route by Elevated Railroad.
238 - Increased Deposit, When and How Required.
239 - Trains to Come to Full Stop.
240 - Gates or Vestibule Doors.
241 - Penalty for Violation of Two Preceding Sections.
242 - Sections to Be Printed and Posted.
244 - Lighting Cars on Elevated Railroads in Cities of Over Twelve Hundred Thousand Inhabitants.