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220 - Application for Railroad; Commissioners. - § 220. Application for railroad; commissioners. Upon the application of...
221 - Oath and Bond of Commissioners. - § 221. Oath and bond of commissioners. Within ten days...
222 - First Meeting of Commissioners. - § 222. First meeting of commissioners. Within fifteen days after...
223 - Determination of Necessity of Railroad and Route. - § 223. Determination of necessity of railroad and route. The...
224 - Adoption of Plans, and Terms Upon Which Road Shall Be Built. - § 224. Adoption of plans, and terms upon which road...
225 - Appraisal of Damages and Deposit of Money as Security. - § 225. Appraisal of damages and deposit of money as...
226 - Shall Prepare Certificate of Incorporation; Proviso as to Forfeiture. - § 226. Shall prepare certificate of incorporation; proviso as to...
227 - Organization. - § 227. Organization. Whenever the whole capital stock of such...
228 - Commissioners to Deliver Certificate; Affidavit of Directors. - § 228. Commissioners to deliver certificate; affidavit of directors. Within...
229 - Powers. - § 229. Powers. Subject to the provisions of the transportation...
231 - Where Route Coincides With Another Route. - § 231. Where route coincides with another route. Whenever the...
232 - Commissioners to Transfer Plans. - § 232. Commissioners to transfer plans. Within one month after...
233 - Commissioners to File Report; Confirmation Thereof. - § 233. Commissioners to file report; confirmation thereof. The commissioners...
234 - Pay of Commissioners. - § 234. Pay of commissioners. Each of the commissioners shall...
235 - Quorum; Term of Office; Removal; Vacancies in Board of Commissioners. - § 235. Quorum; term of office; removal; vacancies in board...
236 - Abandonment or Change of Route; New Commissioners; Their Powers and Proceedings. - § 236. Abandonment or change of route; new commissioners; their...
237 - Abandonment of Portion of Route by Elevated Railroad. - § 237. Abandonment of portion of route by elevated railroad....
238 - Increased Deposit, When and How Required. - § 238. Increased deposit, when and how required. In case...
239 - Trains to Come to Full Stop. - § 239. Trains to come to full stop. All trains...
240 - Gates or Vestibule Doors. - § 240. Gates or vestibule doors. Every car used for...
241 - Penalty for Violation of Two Preceding Sections. - § 241. Penalty for violation of two preceding sections. Any...
242 - Sections to Be Printed and Posted. - § 242. Sections to be printed and posted. The officers...
243 - Extension of Time. - § 243. Extension of time. The time within which any...
244 - Lighting Cars on Elevated Railroads in Cities of Over Twelve Hundred Thousand Inhabitants. - § 244. Lighting cars on elevated railroads in cities of...