New York Laws
Article 6 - Rapid Transit Act of 1875
231 - Where Route Coincides With Another Route.

ยง 231. Where route coincides with another route. Whenever the route or
routes determined upon by the commissioners coincide with the route or
routes covered by the charter of an existing corporation, formed for the
purpose of constructing and operating such a railroad, and it has not
forfeited its charter or failed to comply with the provisions thereof,
requiring the construction of a road or roads within the time therein
prescribed, such corporation shall have the like power to construct and
operate such railroad upon the fulfillment of the like requirements and
conditions imposed by the commissioners as a corporation specially
formed under this article, and the commissioners may fix and determine
the route or routes by which any elevated steam railroad now in actual
operation may connect with other steam railroads or the depots thereof,
or with steam ferries, upon making compensation therefor, and in case
such corporations can not agree with the owners of such steam railroads,
depots or ferries upon the amount of such compensation, and such owners
may be entitled to compensation therefor, the amount of such
compensation shall be ascertained and paid in the manner prescribed in
the condemnation law, and upon fulfillment by such elevated railroad
corporation, so far as it relates to such connection, of the
requirements and conditions imposed by this article, it shall possess
all the powers conferred by section two hundred and twenty-nine of this
article, and when any connecting route or routes shall be so designated,
such elevated railroad corporation may construct such connection with
all the rights and with like effect as though the same had been part of
the original route of such railroad.