New York Laws
Article 225 - Gambling Offenses
225.65 - Use of Counterfeit, Unapproved or Unlawful Wagering Instruments.


A person is guilty of use of counterfeit, unapproved or unlawful
wagering instruments when in playing or using any casino gaming designed
to be played with, received or be operated by chips, cheques, tokens,
vouchers or other wagering instruments approved by the appropriate
gaming regulatory authority, he or she knowingly uses chips, cheques,
tokens, vouchers or other wagering instruments other than those approved
by the appropriate gaming regulating authority and the state gaming
agency or lawful coin or legal tender of the United States of America.

Possession of more than one counterfeit, unapproved or unlawful
wagering instrument described in this section is presumptive evidence of
possession thereof with knowledge of its character or contents.

Use of counterfeit, unapproved or unlawful wagering instruments is a
class A misdemeanor.