A person is guilty of promoting gambling in the first degree when he
knowingly advances or profits from unlawful gambling activity by:
1. Engaging in bookmaking to the extent that he receives or accepts in
any one day more than five bets totaling more than five thousand
dollars; or
2. Receiving, in connection with a lottery or policy scheme or
enterprise, (a) money or written records from a person other than a
player whose chances or plays are represented by such money or records,
or (b) more than five hundred dollars in any one day of money played in
such scheme or enterprise.
Promoting gambling in the first degree is a class E felony.
Structure New York Laws
Title M - Offenses Against Public Health and Morals
Article 225 - Gambling Offenses
225.00 - Gambling Offenses; Definitions of Terms.
225.05 - Promoting Gambling in the Second Degree.
225.10 - Promoting Gambling in the First Degree.
225.15 - Possession of Gambling Records in the Second Degree.
225.20 - Possession of Gambling Records in the First Degree.
225.25 - Possession of Gambling Records; Defense.
225.30 - Possession of a Gambling Device.
225.32 - Possession of a Gambling Device; Defenses.
225.35 - Gambling Offenses; Presumptions.
225.40 - Lottery Offenses; No Defense.
225.55 - Gaming Fraud in the Second Degree.
225.60 - Gaming Fraud in the First Degree.
225.65 - Use of Counterfeit, Unapproved or Unlawful Wagering Instruments.
225.70 - Possession of Unlawful Gaming Property in the Third Degree.
225.75 - Possession of Unlawful Gaming Property in the Second Degree.
225.80 - Possession of Unlawful Gaming Property in the First Degree.
225.85 - Use of Unlawful Gaming Property.
225.90 - Manipulation of Gaming Outcomes at an Authorized Gaming Establishment.