A person is guilty of gaming fraud in the first degree when he or she
commits a gaming fraud in the second degree, and:
1. The value of the benefit obtained exceeds one thousand dollars; or
2. He or she has been previously convicted within the preceding five
years of any offense of which an essential element is the commission of
a gaming fraud.
Gaming fraud in the first degree is a class E felony.
Structure New York Laws
Title M - Offenses Against Public Health and Morals
Article 225 - Gambling Offenses
225.00 - Gambling Offenses; Definitions of Terms.
225.05 - Promoting Gambling in the Second Degree.
225.10 - Promoting Gambling in the First Degree.
225.15 - Possession of Gambling Records in the Second Degree.
225.20 - Possession of Gambling Records in the First Degree.
225.25 - Possession of Gambling Records; Defense.
225.30 - Possession of a Gambling Device.
225.32 - Possession of a Gambling Device; Defenses.
225.35 - Gambling Offenses; Presumptions.
225.40 - Lottery Offenses; No Defense.
225.55 - Gaming Fraud in the Second Degree.
225.60 - Gaming Fraud in the First Degree.
225.65 - Use of Counterfeit, Unapproved or Unlawful Wagering Instruments.
225.70 - Possession of Unlawful Gaming Property in the Third Degree.
225.75 - Possession of Unlawful Gaming Property in the Second Degree.
225.80 - Possession of Unlawful Gaming Property in the First Degree.
225.85 - Use of Unlawful Gaming Property.
225.90 - Manipulation of Gaming Outcomes at an Authorized Gaming Establishment.