§ 223. Definitions. The word "officer", as used in this article,
means a commissioned officer, a commissioned warrant officer or a
warrant officer.
The term "military court", as used in this article, means a
court-martial, a court of inquiry or a provost court.
Structure New York Laws
Article 10 - Pay and Allowances
211 - Salaries, Office and Traveling Expenses of Certain Personnel.
212 - Pay of Troops When Used in Civil Disorders.
213 - Uniform Allowance for Officers.
214 - Retired Officers; Compensation.
215 - Retirement of and Pensions for Certain Veterans.
216 - Pay and Care When Injured or Disabled in Service.
218 - Pension Examining Boards.
220 - Expenses of Military Courts.
222 - Headquarters Allowances.
223 - Definitions.