New York Laws
Article 10 - Pay and Allowances
213 - Uniform Allowance for Officers.

ยง 213. Uniform allowance for officers. To assist in uniforming and
equipping themselves, officers who have been on active duty or active
service as such and who have performed eighty percentum of all ordered
duty during a calendar year of twelve months shall receive annually
fifty dollars. Officers who have been on active duty or active service
as such during a period of less than a calendar year and who have
performed eighty percentum of all ordered duty during such period of
service shall receive such proportion of the uniform allowance for the
year as the period of duty or service performed by them bears to a
calendar year of twelve months. The allowance herein prescribed shall
not be granted to any officer in respect to any period for which he
shall have received pay or pay and allowances or uniform allowance from
federal funds.